A new ministry | Daily Listin

Santo Domingo, DR.

It is proposed to the government of the Dominican Republic the creation of the Ministry of Haitian Affairs (MAH) to centralize the formulation, execution and administration of policies. Under the protection of the MAH and under its direct and sole authority would remain:

1.- The design, formulation and diplomatic control of everything related to Haiti especially, but not only, the claim for the debt to France, the justification, legal procedures and help to promote it, including international forums, as well as the appointment of embassy personnel assigned to the Foreign Ministry and subject to its regulations but under administrative control and MAH politician.

2.- Military or police personnel deployed at any point of the border and with responsibilities in this area will be assigned, transferred and/or replaced to the authority of the MAH, exercising functions of border guard, public force and army. A special chapter, to be debated, has to do with customs management, giving them a security and public order treatment.

3.- The management of all consular affairs, granting of visas of any kind, work permits and/or authorizations for transit, study, stay, business, etc. in favor of Haitian citizens or interests may only be granted by that ministry.

A year following the formation of the Ministry, all permits, visas, residences, etc., granted prior to the formation of the MAH, must be revalidated by the MAH and this will be the only institution authorized to grant, deny or revoke permits.

4.- The Department of International Cooperation of the MAH will be in charge of manage aid for Haiti in all relevant forums and instances. The administration of the funds allocated to Haiti will depend on the terms provided by the donor and/or the agreements signed for this purpose between the parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Department will be in charge of the appointment and selection of the public or private entity or entities to which the works, civil, agricultural, livestock, etc. projects were entrusted.

5.- All the ministries, agencies, directorates general or departments of the Dominican government whose special activities or programs create a relationship and/or link with the Haitian population in that territory, must notify and wait for approval from the MAH before undertaking the execution of said programs or activities, whatever they may be.

6.- The management of generally conflictive situations due to the excessive use of hospital facilities for women in labor, the sick, indigent, prisoners and/or minors and others, will gradually pass to the legal and physical jurisdiction of the MAH. Similarly, conflicts involving Haitian nationals and that become or may become a matter of public order will also be registered by the MAH and will also gradually come under its jurisdiction.

restore order

Dominicans, whether they are active nationalists, peaceful indifferent or anguished in bulk, consider the massive presence of illegal Haitians in their territory as a problem, an existential threat or a tragedy. Haiti, however, is a reality across a largely ungovernable dirt road, home to some 10 million people. It is necessary and pertinent to understand that the demonization of Haitians, the attribution of malicious intentions, domination schemes and conspiracies do not solve any problem, but aggravate existing ones. Haiti needs solutions, but it is not even in a position to pursue them on its own. Therefore, the Dominican Republic, in its own interest, can and must assume a position of multiparty consensus that replaces denunciation with cooperation, transforms the climate of hostility and brings solutions closer to restoring public order in Haiti.

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