A new milestone reached with the end of the deployment of wave 1 software of Ségur digital

2023-09-22 08:03:45

The Digital Health Delegation (DNS), the Digital Health Agency (ANS) and the National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam) provide an initial assessment of wave 1 of Ségur digital.

An emblematic program of digital health policy

Launched in 2021, the Ségur digital program aims to generalize the fluid and secure sharing of health data, between health professionals and with the patient. Thanks to an unprecedented investment of 2 billion euros by 2026, it represents a formidable accelerator for putting digital technology at the service of health.

It is also a new way of conducting public policy with:

  • the deployment of national infrastructure necessary for our sovereignty, in particular with My health space,
  • permanent co-construction with patient associations, representatives of professionals and health establishments and companies in the sector,
  • and unprecedented intervention by the State in updating healthcare professionals’ software.

An important milestone successfully reached on September 20, with the end of the deployment of wave 1 software in the healthcare sector

September 20 marked the deadline for the installation, by publishers referenced by the Digital Health Agency, of “Ségur wave 1” software updates. Launched during the summer of 2021, this collective adventure strongly mobilized digital health companies and public authorities to improve the interoperability and security of software used on a daily basis by caregivers.

According to a first temporary assessment, more than 99% of planned updates have actually been deployed in the field, thanks to a significant mobilization of more than fifty digital health manufacturers. A critical mass of health establishments and professionals now have software allowing, for each episode of care, to populate the patient’s My health space profile, and to send the relevant information to health correspondents by secure messaging.

This ambition is crucial so that patients have control over their health data as provided for by law. It is also central so that professionals have simple and secure services to share health data, and avoid the use of insecure general public messaging.

Industry and software type Installation rate of ordered updates Effective equipment with “wave 1” software
HOSPITAL – Identity repository 98,6% Around 2,000 health establishments representing +80% of the country’s hospital activity
HOSPITAL – Computerized Patient File 98,5% Around 2,000 health establishments representing +80% of the country’s hospital activity
HOSPITAL – Intermediation Platform 97,7% Around 2,000 health establishments representing +80% of the country’s hospital activity
CITY DOCTORS – Practice management software 99,4% More than 51,000 liberal doctors
IMAGING – Radiological information systems 92,2% More than three quarters of radiological activity
MEDICAL BIOLOGY – Laboratory management systems 95,6% +70% of city medical biology sites
CITY OFFICIES – Pharmacy management software 98,7% More than 20,000 pharmacies

The operations of the Digital Health Agency and its subcontractor the Services and Payment Agency will continue until the end of the year to ensure the lifting of any reservations expressed by establishments and health professionals and finalize the control and payment operations for updating services.

Digital uses that are accelerating, among patients and healthcare professionals alike

In one year, almost 9.5 million users use My health space, with more than 200,000 new activations every month, and a mobile application currently among the most downloaded in France. For their part, health professionals send more than 12 million documents each month to My health space, with progress confirmed every week. Each month, as many documents were sent as in 15 years in the history of the DMP. A page has been turned!

What a long way we have come since 2004 and the first announcement of the Shared Medical File. With the participation of users and the commitment of public authorities to ethical and humanistic digital technology, patients more than ever have the cards in hand to control their health data. We must continue our mobilization together to convince hesitant professionals and support our fellow citizens in learning these new tools.

– Gérard Raymond, President of France assos santé.

A long-term effort to put digital technology at the service of health

If these figures reflect an unprecedented dynamic and demonstrate the colossal work carried out by the entire ecosystem, mobilization must continue.

It will continue among health professionals, so that these digital uses are useful in their daily practice. Following certain difficulties noted, particular attention will continue to be paid to community medicine sector. The first encouraging signs have been observed in the field, following the significant improvements and developments made by publishers as part of the “Sentinel” mobilization. This collective approach will continue over time, addressing step by step all the points of constraint raised by professionals in the field, in order to meet the expectations they have expressed and improve their satisfaction with the software that they use on a daily basis.

The results obtained at the end of this stage demonstrate that as a result of the collective efforts made, we are in the process of crossing a tipping point in the dynamics of use of essential services supported by Ségur digital. We are nevertheless fully aware of the efforts that still need to be made to provide full satisfaction to healthcare professionals. A challenge that we are ready to take on and which conditions the opening of wave 2 in the best possible conditions.

– Francis Mambrini, President of the Federation of Ambulatory Medical and Paramedical IT Publishers (FEIMA)

It will also continue with patients and caregivers, to make My health space known, and give everyone control over their health data. A major communications campaign was launched in September in the media and on the ground.

More than 90% of policyholders have a My health space profile and, every day, more and more of them are connecting to it. We must continue our efforts so that, like the Vitale card in its time, My health space enters the daily lives of patients and caregivers.

– Marguerite Cazeneuve, deputy director for management of the organization of care at Health Insurance.

Wave 2 of Ségur digital is already being prepared, to meet the expectations of healthcare professionals

After a wave 1 focused on the food of My health space, wave 2 of Ségur digital will come complete the smooth and secure sharing of health datato facilitate access for professionals to data stored in My health space or received by secure health messaging.

Wave 2 will also extend the scope of software concerned, with devices dedicated to software for midwives, dental surgeons and paramedics which will be published in the 1st quarter of 2024.

To continue this transformation, the DNS, the ANS and the Cnam will continue their work of consultation and co-construction with patients, professionals and publishers. Only this collective dynamic will allow us to respond humbly to the major challenges facing our health system.

The deployment of Ségur digital is a collective effort, with incredible commitment from public authorities, professionals and publishers. With this, we are finally starting to have better quality tools, communicating with each other, in the service of patient health. We want to maintain this dynamic, to make France one of the European pioneers in this field.

– Hela Ghariani, Digital Health Delegate (DNS).

Consult the attached press kit:

Contacts presse :

Digital health delegation

[email protected]

Marion February – 06 08 77 61 02

[email protected]

Mélany Mandikian – 07 88 08 73 06

Digital Health Agency

[email protected]

Julie Messier – 06 16 89 59 83

Health Insurance

[email protected]

Léo Leroy – 01 72 60 19 89

#milestone #reached #deployment #wave #software #Ségur #digital



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