A new foliar fertilizer for fine crops improves yields up to 1,000 kilos per hectare

In the final stretch of the campaign of wheat and barleycompanies continue to introduce technology to improve nutrient delivery.

This is the case of Amauta Agrowhich launched a new product on the market fertilizerdesigned to prevent or correct nitrogen and sulfur deficiencies

Federico Dublanthe company’s Market and Product Development leader, explained the benefits of Wayra Nitro S, a foliar solution that provides Phosphorus, potassium and protected microelements such as zinc, boron, molybdenum and manganese.

“It was designed to prevent and correct deficiencies of this nutrient, ensuring crop yield. On many occasions and for various reasons, the nitrogen applied in the base fertilization is not enough, so having this extra pulse guarantees results,” he explained.

Dublan He stressed that the promotion of this new product is due to a strategic decision to accompany the Argentine producer, characterized by being “technologically innovative”at a pivotal moment in determining its productive success.

For the manager, the Argentine producer works in a context where the environmental supply of nutrients is falling. This translates into an increasing deficiency of phosphorus and nitrogenin addition to deficits in sulfur, zinc and boron.


Amauta suggested that the product can be applied after the flag leaf emerges.

In addition, after its launch, the company defined two nutrition strategies: “The first, called NS Strategyincludes only the application of Wayra Nitro S, and is designed to prevent nitrogen and sulfur deficiencies in advanced stages of crops,” said Dublan.

“In general, these deficiencies at these stages necessarily have to be corrected quickly and are complementary to the base fertilization that was done at earlier stages. By installing Wayra we can give the crop a final pulse of nutrients to increase growth rates, directly impacting yield.”he clarified.

It should be noted that, in crops that require an adjustment in industrial quality such as brewing barleyThis solution allows adjustments to be made to the total nitrogen contribution, impacting the quality and protein content that the crop will achieve.

The second strategy is called NS Plus Strategy. It is articulated in and is composed of the application of Wayra Nitro S y Pride.

The latter is an organic fertilizer concentrated in free amino acids.whose exogenous application “generates savings in these inputs for the plant, improves processes such as photosynthesis, mitigates abiotic stresses, among other benefits,” Dublan said.

The two proposals were tested in trialsIn the first case (NS Strategy), the improvement in yields reached an average of 460 kilos. In the case of the NS Puls Strategy, the response climbed to 1,050 kilos per hectare.



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