2023-10-19 11:00:01
The study area has a strategic geographical position to promote the development of the municipality on an investment and social level.
Industrial activity zones help generate employment and stimulate the regional economy. It is in this sense that the Ministry of National Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and Urban Policy through the Nador-Driouch-Guercif Urban Agency is working on the implementation place of the development plan for the logistics and industrial activities zone in the commune of Oulad Settout in the province of Nador.
The Ministry of National Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and Urban Policy, through the Nador-Driouch-Guercif Urban Agency, is currently working on the development of the urban planning plan. development of the logistics and industrial activities zone in the commune of Oulad Settout in the province of Nador. The area concerned is spread over an area of approximately 498 hectares. In terms of characteristics, this area is known to have a semi-arid climate. In addition, the quantities of rain received by the Rif region are in principle influenced by atmospheric disturbances which cross or originate in the Mediterranean.
Demographically, this municipality has more than 22,800 inhabitants. In terms of the road network, it has classified roads but the transport sector suffers from a great shortage. As for town planning documents, it is covered in part by the SDAU (Grand Nador Urban Development Master Plan). It must be said that the said municipality also has two development plans: that of the commune of Selouane and the neighboring area which is part of the commune of Oulad Settout. Furthermore, the latter is characterized by a rather confused urban structure, as explained by the Urban Agency of Nador-Driouch-Guercif. This structure is relative to the presence of open spaces with several dispersed douars. “This urban discontinuity makes reading its urban framework difficult,” indicates the same source, noting nevertheless that the study area has a strategic geographical position making it possible to promote the development of the municipality on the investment plan and on the social level.
The study to be carried out aims to create an integrated space intended to accommodate economic operators with a range of related services necessary for the exercise of their transport, logistics and other activities that may be associated with them which meets the future needs of the Port Nador West Med. It also involves the establishment of a development vision in line with the specificities of the municipality’s territory and in coherence with the immediate environment, the establishment of infrastructure equipment specific to logistics or further the creation of a sector of autonomous and integrated industrial activities equipped with equipment, services and infrastructure meeting investment needs. Through said plan, the objective would be to highlight the principles of sustainable town planning consisting of taking into account aspects relating to economic and social development as well as the environmental balance of the territory concerned.
According to the same source, it consists of a process by which all actors collaborate with a view to designing and planning an environment which creates, among other things, the conditions for a dynamic, balanced, open to all and equitable economy. This process should also consider land as a valuable resource to be used in the most efficient and appropriate way, thus avoiding the dispersion of peripheral areas. It is also regarding promoting modern, energy-saving approaches that meet the principles of preservation and protection of natural and forest areas. The realization of this project also includes the issue of intercommunity.
“Intercommunality is essential to deal in a global and coherent manner with existing problems and constraints at the scale of the territory concerned,” notes the same source adding that the establishment of appropriate structures must allow the management and implementation implement projects of common general interest having impacts on the different municipalities. In this regard, an analysis of the links of interdependence and possible joint projects between the different territorial entities concerned should be carried out.
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