A new cruise ship terminal – 1188 will be built in the port of Klaipėda

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A new cruise ship terminal will be built in the central part of the city of Klaipeda, near the Winter Port, Klaipeda Port Authority announced.

The management project envisages that the existing docks will be reconstructed and new ones will be built, as well as the water depth will be changed to meet the new needs. An administrative building will also be built in the new terminal.

“The project of the new cruise ship terminal will not only increase the possibilities of Klaipeda port to receive more ships and tourists, but will also create a new space for the city. This project is a long-term investment in the future of Klaipeda and its international appeal,” says Algis Lataks, head of the Klaipeda Port Authority.

The project of the new cruise ship terminal was developed by the company “Statybos ingenierių konsultantų biuras” at the end of 2023.

The project will be implemented in two phases and is planned to last approximately three years.

Klaipėda Port Authority estimates show that 65,000 passengers arrived at the port this cruise season, which is 35% more than last year.

By the end, more than 50 cruise ships arrived at the port, one cruise ship docks at the port in October, and in December, a Christmas cruise will dock at the port of Klaipeda for the first time, when 600 tourists from Germany will arrive in Klaipeda on December 8 with the ship “Amadea”.

In September, the port authority informed that the arrival of 63 cruise ships has already been registered for the next season, ten of which will arrive in the Lithuanian port city for the first time.

Cruise ship. Photo: Zane Bitere/LETA

Klaipeda’s New Cruise Ship Terminal: Anchors Aweigh!

Ahoy there! It seems that Klaipeda is chasing after cruise ship tourists like a cat after a laser pointer! Yes, you heard correctly—there’s a new cruise ship terminal on the horizon. Just when we thought Klaipeda was resting on its nautical laurels, the Klaipeda Port Authority has announced plans to improve its central waterfront area near the Winter Port. This is not just any terminal, my friends; it’s a grand plan rolled out in typical ‘let’s make Klaipeda a top holiday destination’ fashion.

According to the Port Authority’s grand scheme, existing docks will be reconstructed while new ones will sprout up faster than weeds in your garden. They’re also planning to adjust the water depth—because clearly, the fish weren’t finding it deep enough for their taste!

It’s not just about accommodating more ships, though—oh no! Algis Lataks, the big cheese at Klaipeda Port Authority, said this project aims to boost Klaipeda’s international appeal. You know, like putting sprinkles on a donut—everyone wants a piece of that colorful confection! Now, let’s see if putting “tall ships” on the brochure translates to tourists actually arriving.

The plans come courtesy of “Statybos ingenierių konsultantų biuras,” a name that sounds like a group of engineers who also dabble in being philosophers. They’re looking to wrap this operation up in two phases that are slated to take approximately three years. Meanwhile, we’ll be here waiting, perhaps wearing pirate hats and practicing our sea shanties.

Just to drop some numbers in here—this cruise season saw a whopping 65,000 passengers at the port, which is a 35% increase from last year. I mean, that’s more than a little yacht club gossip! With over 50 cruise ships gracing the port this year, Klaipeda has started looking like the Mediterranean—well, sort of, if you squinted hard enough.

But wait! There’s more to the story—one lone cruise ship is making a special October visit, followed by a Christmas cruise docking for the first time in December. Exciting stuff! On December 8, 600 excited tourists from Germany will descend upon Klaipeda on the “Amadea,” a name that sounds less like a cruise ship and more like a fancy dessert. They’ll probably be expecting schnitzels and beer, so let’s hope the local eateries are ready for the influx.

And if you think this is just a one-and-done gig, think again! The port authority already has 63 cruise ships lined up for next season. Ten of those will visit Klaipeda for the first time. Who knew Klaipeda was a surprise celebrity all along, waiting for that big break?

“Building a cruise terminal is like throwing a party. If you build it, they will come… just make sure there’s enough beer!”

In conclusion, while we’re all for making Klaipeda the next big cruise destination, let’s keep our fingers crossed that these grand plans don’t sink like a ship in a storm. If all goes to plan, we could have a bustling port grand enough to rival any major tourist hotspot! And as always, we’ll keep a weather eye on the horizon for any new developments here. Anchors away, Klaipeda—you’re set to make waves!

Cruise ship. Photo: Zane Bitere/LETA

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