A national official made a judicial presentation for Lake Escondido

The national director of Access to Justice, Gabriela Carpineti, introduced herself as “friend of the court» in order to demand compliance with court rulings that guarantee free access to Lake Escondido. The presentation was made before the Superior Court of Justice of Río Negro.

«There are four sentences that force the opening of the pass since 2009. There is no legal reason for not complying with the law. In addition, we are talking regarding 14 years of spiral of violence in the Andean region in relation to land conflicts in general,” said Carpineti in dialogue with BLACK RIVER.

He referred to the differences between “those who understand that the law must be complied with and the mobs paid by businessmen who appropriated more than 12,000 hectares in the 1990s. Here a mirror of water was privatized and has the protection of the provincial political power that has been governing the province for more than a decade and a half«.

Carpineti referred to “a very extensive judicial journey that has favorable sentences (years 2009, 2012, 2013 and 2022) to the request to open a viable and reasonable way for the community to access the freshwater mirror.”

The Ministry of Justice official also attributed responsibilities “to the National Executive Power so that the National Constitution is respected with free access to the lakes. A project in the Chamber of Deputies discusses this issue. But in addition, the National Executive Power can act on the sale of that moment. The citizens are damaged.

“Why did you decide to make the presentation at this time?” asked this newspaper. Carpineti recalled that, in September of last year, “the Río Negro Justice ratified the 2013 ruling and ordered the provincial government to enable a new pass. But the province appealed that ruling, breaching it. We want that sentence to be carried out.”

The National Directorate for the Promotion and Strengthening of Access to Justice concentrates the network of 101 Centers for Access to Justice throughout the country that address individual and collective problems.

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