A national deportation mechanism is coming – Stricter immigration policy in Greece and Europe

With the “background” of the intense concern about a new large immigration wave from Lebanon – which has not yet manifested itself – but also the changes at the European level regarding the specific issue, the Greek Police is planning a deportation mechanism, with money from public funds , independent of European agencies and Frontex.

Specifically, as mentioned in the SKAI news release, the Greek Police officers are preparing the procedures for charter flights to return the migrants back to their countries. The financial data for this mechanism will be determined in the next period.

Earlier, however, the Minister of Immigration Nikos Panagiotopoulos himself had announced the “strictening” of our country’s immigration policy, noting in an interview how “in any case, let’s maintain that the policy is being tightened and we will follow or rather we will also be ahead of these developments because that’s how it should be done.” “This is in the interest of the country” he concluded in his radio interview with RealFM.

These actions of the Greek side came only a few hours after the publication of the letter of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to the leaders of the EU member states, on immigration.

In which he underlined how the EU’s immigration policy can only be sustainable if those who do not have the right to remain in the EU are effectively returned, and clarified that only around 20% of third-country nationals for whom there is a decision to leave have actually returned.

In the same letter, Ursula von der Leyen gave particular importance to the implementation of the EU-Turkey joint declaration on immigration. Something that concerns Greece to a significant extent, which so far has not managed to “convince” the Turkish side to accept the planned returns.

They fear social explosion

The “change of course” of the European Union on immigration is largely linked to the strengthening of the forces of the parties characterized as “anti-immigration” in the last elections, but also the results of the electoral processes in the two largest countries of the union, France and Germany.

Immigration is becoming a catalyst for political change across Europe as it affects the security sector and creates social unrest.

A typical example is an immigrant in Sweden, who decided to return to Iraq, as he says life there is safer than in certain areas of the Scandinavian country dominated by foreign gangs.

But we also have such explosions in Greece. Like that of the residents of Sepolia who see their neighborhood turning into a battleground between foreigners who decide to settle their differences with crowbars and squares in hand, but also chairs.

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