A multi-billionaire and failed presidential candidate at the DIC

Five files involving businessmen and former officials of ex-President Macky Sall’s regime have been forwarded to investigators from the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC) by the Financial Prosecutor’s Office of the Financial Judicial Pool (PJF).

The accountability process will commence on Friday, September 20, 2024. The first client of the Financial Judicial Pool (PJF), a businessman and unsuccessful candidate in the last presidential election, will appear this Friday morning at 9 o’clock.

→ ALSO READ: Mbacké Fall (Attorney General) on the financial judicial pool: “It is not a settling of scores, but a rendering of accounts”

He will initiate proceedings in front of investigators from the Financial Affairs Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC). According to information from L’Observateur, he is scheduled to be questioned at 9 am at the General Affairs Brigade (BAG), a branch of the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC) located in the High Court of Dakar.

This information comes from judicial sources close to the Financial Prosecutor’s Office. The prosecutor, being in charge of prosecutions, has tasked the DIC with investigating specific cases that are the subject of a prosecution order. These sources also indicate that the businessman will need to provide explanations regarding gold bars extracted from the Sabodala mines and other mining sites in the Southeast of the country, which were exported by the former regime of ex-President Macky Sall.

→ ALSO READ: Ousmane Diagne, Minister of Justice on the Financial Judicial Pool: “It is not limited to replacing the CREI, but…”

Documents discovered at the ministry responsible for mines list companies with which he collaborated in the export of refined gold bars to Switzerland. Police investigators will seek to determine his level of involvement in the gold bar exports through Senegal and, consequently, identify the true beneficiaries from the sale of the precious metal, estimated to be worth at least 1000 billion FCfa.

It is known that 60% of the precious ore is processed into gold in Switzerland, particularly in an industrial zone in a small Neuchâtel town that has been refining gold for many years.

→ ALSO READ: Accountability: The financial judicial pool installed this Tuesday

Four more dignitaries summoned next week

Next week will also be busy for the DIC investigators. The Financial Prosecutor’s Office has provided them with five files regarding businessmen, former ministers, and general managers who have managed public funds. According to information from L’Observateur, these individuals are suspected of embezzling public funds and money laundering, as mentioned by the auditors of the Court of Auditors in their latest report. This marks the beginning of a lengthy process.

Accountability Process Launches for Businessmen Linked to Macky Sall’s Regime

Five (5) files concerning businessmen and former dignitaries of the regime of ex-President Macky Sall were transmitted to investigators of the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC) by the Financial Prosecutor’s Office of the Financial Judicial Pool (PJF). The accountability process begins this Friday, September 20, 2024.

Key Details of the Accountability Process

The first client of the Financial Judicial Pool (PJF), a businessman and candidate who failed in the last presidential election, is set to appear this Friday morning at 9 o’clock.

This businessman will open the proceedings in front of investigators from the Financial Affairs Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC). He is scheduled for questioning at 9 am at the premises of the General Affairs Brigade (BAG), a branch of the DIC located in the High Court of Dakar.

Investigation Focus

According to judicial sources close to the Financial Prosecutor’s Office, this initial inquiry will focus on gold bars extracted from the Sabodala mines and other mining sites in the South-East of Senegal. These bars were allegedly exported by the former regime of ex-President Macky Sall.

Key Investigative Points include:

  • Involvement in the extraction and export of gold bars.
  • Connection to companies mentioned in documents found at the Ministry of Mines.
  • Exploration of who ultimately benefited from the sale of the precious metal, estimated at over 1000 billion FCfa.

The Ministry responsible for mines has established that approximately 60% of this precious ore is refined in Switzerland, particularly in an industrial area of Neuchâtel that has been a hub for gold refining for years.

Additional Dignitaries Under Investigation

Next week promises to be equally eventful for DIC investigators, as the Financial Prosecutor’s Office has provided them with additional files concerning businessmen and former ministers. These individuals managed public funds and are now facing allegations of:

  • Embezzlement of public funds.
  • Money laundering activities.

Outcome of Recent Court Audits

According to the recent report from the Court of Auditors, these appointments are part of a broader effort to address financial mismanagement and misconduct. The files contain crucial evidence that the investigations will analyze in detail.

Contextual Overview: Macky Sall’s Presidency

Ex-President Macky Sall’s regime has faced consistent scrutiny over financial practices, particularly with regard to resource management and public accountability. This ongoing investigation marks a significant moment in Senegal’s efforts to restore public trust in governmental institutions.

Implications for Business Ethics in Senegal

The current accountability process is not only critical for the indicted businessmen and former dignitaries but also serves as a pivotal moment for the ethical framework surrounding business practices in Senegal.

Benefits of Enhanced Accountability

  • Restoration of public confidence in governance.
  • Promotion of transparent business operations.
  • Encouragement of foreign investment due to improved governance standards.

Public Reaction and Media Coverage

The initiation of this accountability process has spurred a broad spectrum of reactions among the public and the media. Many citizens view this as a much-needed step towards accountability, while others express skepticism about potential outcomes and the integrity of the investigation.

Quotes from Relevant Authorities

As Attorney General Mbacké Fall stated regarding the Financial Judicial Pool, “It is not a settling of scores, but a rendering of accounts.” This sentiment resonates widely, stressing the importance of accountability rather than retaliation.

Looking Ahead: Future Implications

As the accountability process unfolds, the outcomes may significantly impact the political landscape in Senegal, influence public policies, and reshape the relationship between the government and the business sector. The investigators from the DIC are poised to play a crucial role in determining whether justice is served and accountability is achieved.



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