A Mother’s Lens: A Journalist’s Journey Through Allegations Against Her Child

Montevideo Portal

Journalist and correspondent for Subrayado, Silvia Techera, made a lengthy statement on her Facebook account because several people have criticized her in the last few hours after linking one of her daughters to an act of public violence that occurred in Melo (Cerro Largo).

“As a public figure, I assume the consequences that this brings, for better or worse, and I face it. I do not hide behind fake profiles or restricted accounts,” Techera said in his post.

In another part of the post, Techera said: “I have received multiple arrest warrants in these hours accusing one of my daughters and, of course, me, who is her mother, of being responsible for an act of violence that occurred on Thursday on Avenida Brasil.”

The communicator asked the people who are accusing the young woman to “go to the Prosecutor’s Office or the Police and provide that evidence.” “Because at the moment what I know is that my daughter was summoned as a witness to the incident, she went alone to testify because she is of legal age, and as such she must take responsibility for her actions and responsibilities. She was not detained, nor do the existing images show such aggression on her part,” she added.

Likewise, Techera insisted that if “someone has proof to the contrary” they should deliver it where appropriate and “not go around defaming for free.” “Because if my daughter were responsible for such an act, I would never justify it,” he indicated.

“If there is responsibility for the incident, he must assume it. If he has nothing to do with it, I will not allow injustices from my role as a mother,” Techera said at the end of her post.

Montevideo Portal

**PAA Questions for the Title: “Silvia ⁣Techera: A Fearless⁣ Journalist Standing Up Against Criticism and Threats”**

Silvia Techera: A Fearless Journalist Standing Up ⁢Against Criticism and Threats

In the world of journalism, it’s not uncommon for reporters to face criticism and backlash for their work.‍ However, for Silvia Techera, a journalist and correspondent for ⁢Subrayado, the situation took a turn for the worse when she was linked to an ⁤act of⁢ public⁣ violence in Melo, Cerro ‌Largo. In a lengthy statement on her Facebook account, Techera addressed the criticism and accusations head-on, refusing to back down in the face of adversity.

Standing Up for Her Daughter

The controversy began when Techera’s daughter was accused ⁤of ⁤being involved in an act⁤ of violence ‌on Avenida Brasil. In response,‍ Techera’s daughter was summoned as⁤ a witness to the incident and testified alone, as she is of legal age. However, this did not stop the accusations from pouring in, with some even calling for Techera’s arrest.

In her Facebook post, Techera urged those accusing her daughter to “go to the Prosecutor’s Office or the Police ⁣and provide that‌ evidence.” She emphasized that her daughter was not ⁢detained, and the existing images did not show any aggression ⁤on her​ part. Techera also made it clear⁣ that she, as a public figure, was willing ​to face the consequences‍ of her actions and would not hide behind fake profiles or restricted ⁤accounts [[3]].

A Threat to Her Life

Unfortunately, the criticism and accusations were not the ​only challenges Techera faced. In a separate incident, she received a‍ death ⁤threat on her Twitter account, highlighting the risks and dangers that journalists like Techera face in their line of work [[2]]. This threat is a sobering reminder of the importance of ⁢protecting journalists and ensuring their safety as they work to uncover the truth.

A Multi-Talented Journalist

Despite the challenges she has faced, Techera remains a committed and dedicated journalist. In addition ⁤to her work with Subrayado, she‍ is also a correspondent for RNU in Cerro Largo ‍and a journalist for La Voz de Melo.‌ Her Twitter account showcases her ⁣extensive experience and expertise in⁤ the field of journalism [[1]].


Silvia Techera’s ‍story is a⁢ testament ​to ⁣the bravery and resilience of journalists who are willing ‌to stand up⁣ for what they believe in, even in the face of adversity. Her refusal to‍ back down in the face of criticism and threats ‍is​ an inspiration to us all, and a reminder of the importance of protecting journalists⁣ and⁣ promoting freedom of the​ press.

In Montevideo ⁢and beyond, Techera’s story serves as a⁤ powerful reminder of the importance of a free press and the role that journalists play in holding those in power accountable. As ⁣we continue to navigate the complexities⁢ of the digital age, it is more important than ever that we stand ⁤up for journalists like Techera​ and ensure their safety and protection.





Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **”Silvia Techera: A Fearless Journalist Standing Up Against Criticism and Threats”**:

Silvia Techera: A Fearless Journalist Standing Up Against Criticism and Threats

In the world of journalism, it’s not uncommon for reporters to face criticism and backlash for their work. However, for Silvia Techera, a journalist and correspondent for Subrayado, the situation took a turn for the worse when she was linked to an act of public violence in Melo, Cerro Largo. In a lengthy statement on her Facebook account, Techera addressed the criticism and accusations head-on, refusing to back down in the face of adversity.

Standing Up for Her Daughter

The controversy began when Techera’s daughter was accused of being involved in an act of violence on Avenida Brasil. In response, Techera’s daughter was summoned as a witness to the incident and testified alone, as she is of legal age. However, this did not stop the accusations from pouring in, with some even calling for Techera’s arrest.

In her Facebook post, Techera urged those accusing her daughter to “go to the Prosecutor’s Office or the Police and provide that evidence.” She emphasized that her daughter was not detained, and the existing images did not show any aggression on her part. Techera also made it clear that she, as a public figure, was willing to face the consequences of her actions and would not hide behind fake profiles or restricted accounts [[3]].

A Threat to Her Life

Unfortunately, the criticism and accusations were not the only challenges Techera faced. In a separate incident, she received a death threat on her Twitter account, highlighting the risks and dangers that journalists like Techera face in their line of work [[2]]. This threat is a sobering reminder of the importance of protecting journalists and ensuring their safety as they work to uncover



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