A miracle gave Maha Abu Auf her son… and her doctor wept

Difficult hours passed by the artistic community with the departure of the Egyptian artist, Maha Abu Auf, At the age of 65, after a struggle with illness that no one else felt, she decided to hide her pain from everyone.

However, many of her fans, recalled a touching story that Abu Auf lived, and told about her at length in previous television interviews, after she had been trying for 15 years to get pregnant and give birth without result!

She recounted how she traveled to the United States, Italy, France and Switzerland in order to have children, where she met a large number of doctors who told her at the time that it was impossible, and demanded that she forget about the matter.

“false pregnancy”

And when she was on her last visit to the United States, the doctors asked her to remove the uterus, so that she would not be exposed to false pregnancy disease, which is very dangerous, but she refused and returned to Egypt.

At that time, the idea of ​​adoption came to her.. Indeed, there were a number of Bosnia and Herzegovina refugees who came to Egypt during the war, so she thought to go to their camp and choose.

However, at this time, she separated from her husband, and went to a party with her brother, Izzat Abu Auf, and there she felt severe pain in her stomach, so she thought that the pain of the cysts on the ovaries returned to her again, especially since she removed 11 cysts over the previous years, so her brother asked her to She goes to her doctor the next day.

But she ignored it until the pain increased.

Maha and her son

Like a miracle

But later, she took her older sister Mona’s children to the hospital, and she underwent an ultrasound examination, only to find the doctor saying, “Eh, eh, eh, no, it’s not possible,” and jogged to call her gynecologist.

At the time, she thought that she was seriously ill, and waited until her doctor came, who asked her to perform several tests.

Then the news broke to her, saying, “Congratulations, you are pregnant.”

Abu Auf expressed her overwhelming happiness at her time, saying that she did not fully comprehend the matter and fell into a state of collapse, which prompted her to go rushing from the hospital to her sister Mona’s house, to tell her.

When her sister realized the matter, she asked her about her children who went with her to the hospital, only to be surprised that she left her sister’s children there alone.

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Then she called her brother, Ezzat, who did not understand the matter and denied him, and asked her doctor to come home.

Maha Abu Auf and her son

Maha Abu Auf and her son

The doctor came and told them that Maha is medically impossible to give birth, but what happened taught him not to tell a woman after that that she will not give birth, and he cried because of this incident.

its beginnings

In addition, the late actress indicated that she was still terrified of her only son, and she always refused his requests to leave and travel, until her brother Ezzat came to her and told her that what she was doing was wrong, and she had to let him be free.

Yet she was always worried about him, believing that he had brought her a miracle from heaven.

It is noteworthy that Maha Abu Auf began her artistic career through the “FourM” band, accompanied by her late brother Izzat Abu Auf and her three sisters, and the work of that band continued for 12 years.

Maha Abu Auf and her son

Maha Abu Auf and her son

Before she turned to the cinematic medium, she participated in acting, and presented more than 120 artworks, the last of which was a series that was shown last year (2021).

And the death of the Egyptian actress, Maha Abu Auf, was absent at the age of 65, in the early hours of Thursday morning, when she died in a hospital after a struggle with illness.

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