A member of the “very small circle of allies” reported that senior US officials privately admitted that they would not withhold weapons to aid Israel – United News Network

Well, well, well, if it isn’t the U.S. diplomatic circus, where the tightrope walkers are also the elephant tamers! POLITICO has spilled the beans that Washington’s got its hands full, trying to juggle humanitarian assistance, international relations, and, oh yes—those ever-controversial arms shipments to Israel! It’s like watching a game of Twister, except instead of colorful dots, we have issues that are very much black and white, with a few shades of grey thrown in! What’s next? An interpretive dance-off to settle disputes?

Now, according to Lise Grande, the top humanitarian official in the U.S. for the Middle East, the plan is rather simple: keep sending arms to Israel but also throw in a few ‘please and thank yous’ to get some aid into Gaza. Imagine that strategy on a date: “I’ll buy you dinner, but we’re definitely not sharing dessert!” It seems like the U.S. is more focused on keeping its ‘very small circle of allies’ happy than on applying any real pressure on Israel. A bit like when you can’t stand your best mate’s other half but still pretend to enjoy their company for the sake of a night out!

And here’s a plot twist! Grande told the humanitarian leaders at a meeting in Washington that, “We can’t play bad cop with certain allies.” Oh, darling, you’re not just trying to play bad cop; you’re auditioning for the role of ‘International Relations Diplomat of the Year’ while wearing a blindfold! How’s that for spin?

This whole situation has the U.S. officials teetering on the edge of accountability. They’ve sent out a stern warning to Israel that they need to up their humanitarian supply game within 30 days or risk affecting military assistance. But let’s be honest, does anyone really think Israel’s quaking in its boots about that? They’ve heard it all before— like a bad stand-up comedian who keeps recycling the same jokes.

Grande’s comments are shaking things up like a cocktail at a posh bar—everyone’s surprised, but eventually, they all end up sipping on it anyway. Aid officials were left scratching their heads, mouthing things like, “Did she really just say that?” Let’s not forget that Grande was merely the spokesperson for U.S. policy—not the puppet master pulling the strings. But oh, the candor was refreshing. Who knew you could mix diplomatic language with a hint of truth?

Meanwhile, on the ground, there’s serious business going on. Reports are rolling in about Israeli military operations, with claims of killing Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar—who plotted attacks, according to Israeli sources. It’s like a political chess game where every piece is a pawn, getting sacrificed with little regard for the ramifications. And don’t even get me started on Hezbollah chiming in with missile strikes! At this rate, “Gaza” will become the new buzzword, like “inflation” at a dinner party—you know it’s going to cause a stir.

When you tear it all down, we’re left with a classic case of diplomatic tightrope walking where every move can tip the balance. The U.S. continues to back Israel while dangling carrots of humanitarian aid towards Palestine, acting like a friend trying to mediate between two quarreling siblings. But hey, who doesn’t love a good family feud?

So there you have it: the stage is set, the players are in position, and the audience is left gasping for air as this geopolitical drama continues to unfold. Let’s just hope by the end, someone finds a way to play nice and save the day—preferably without resorting to interpretive dance.

And remember, folks, in diplomacy, whether in Gaza or elsewhere, it’s all fun and games until someone loses their arms. Literally! Stay tuned!

POLITICO exclusively disclosed on the 16th that the United States handledPalestineGaza corridorThe top humanitarian official told aid groups in late August that the United States would notIsraelBlock food and medicine from entering the Gaza Strip and consider withholding weapons for Israel.

According to reports, Lise Grande, the U.S. special envoy for humanitarian issues in the Middle East, told the leaders of more than a dozen relief organizations at a meeting in Washington on August 29 that the United States may consider other means to persuade Israel to surrender. Life-saving aid comes to Gaza, for example through UN pressure.

But Grande stressed that the U.S. government will continue to support Israel and will not delay or stop arms shipments.

A humanitarian official who attended the meeting said Grande pointed out that Israel is part of a “very small circle of allies” and that the United States will not oppose or “block anything they want.”

“She’s kind of saying, we can’t play bad cop with certain allies,” the aid official said.

According to previous news, a letter jointly signed by US Secretary of State Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin on the 13th warned Israel that it must increase the delivery of humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip within the next 30 days, otherwise it may affect US military assistance.

Although Grande’s remarks were published more than a month ago, her candid statement about the U.S.-assisted weapons has made the outside world suspicious.BidenWhether the government’s recent threats will be taken seriously.

According to POLITICO, during the nearly two-hour meeting, representatives of aid organizations detailed Israel’s blockade of Gaza and expressed concern about the United States’ refusal to restrict arms shipments. They told Grande that Israel violated international humanitarian law. .

However, one person who attended the meeting revealed, “She was saying that this rule does not apply to Israel.” Several attendees called Grande’s remarks shockingly candid, surprising many in the room.

However, several participants also said that Grande was not expressing his own views, but explaining the United States’ policy toward Israel. Several interviewees also expressed support for Grande, with one humanitarian aid official saying, “She is not the one responsible for this.”

[BB call explosion pack]

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A member of a “very small circle of allies” said that senior US officials privately admitted that they would not withhold weapons to aid Israel.

POLITICO exclusively revealed on the 16th that the top U.S. official dealing with the humanitarian situation in the Palestinian Gaza Strip told aid groups at the end of August that the United States would not let Israel block…

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