A man rips his lungs out while masturbating: a first for researchers

This is a first in the history of medicine. The American magazine Radiology case reports published a study reporting the case of a young man suffering from a torn lung..after having masturbated. But how is this possible?

It’s in the emergency room canton hospital Winterthur in Swisswhat the case was discovered. The patient suffers from cough and chest pain. After a few tests, doctors diagnose subcutaneous emphysemaet spontaneous pneumomediastinum. In short, the young man is injured in the lungs.

This is a common injury among young people in their twenties. It can be caused by vomiting, a strong fit of coughingor intense physical exercise.

The patient explained that when the first pains occurred, he was masturbating. An x-ray showed that his lungs were indeed badly damaged. After some research, scientists found similar cases of people who suffered from the same lung condition after sex.

But the fact remains that this could well be the very first case in history to have developed pneumomediastinum following the practice of onanism. Faced with this somewhat wacky discovery, the researchers call for vigilance. It is possible that other factors combined with masturbation are partly responsible for this tearing. Finally, let us add that this wound is not mortal, although very painful.

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