A leaked test test features the pirate adventure of Skull & Bones, Ubisoft’s troubled naval video game

After a long time without any news about the video game, beyond the controversial allegations of sexual harassment that tainted its development, all this in the midst of questioning the work environment of the Ubisoft company, now a test video has come to light technique that presents around six minutes of video game gameplay Skull & Bones.

Broadly speaking, the video serves as a tutorial that addresses the pirate activity that will mark the video game, including the area where you can build ships, equip them for battle, add a crew and add all the necessary equipment to sail the seas successfully, accept the available contracts and, in the process, raise our level of infamy as a pirate. Of course always taking care to avoid the mutiny of our comrades.

Check out the trailer below.

Its development that began in 2013, as the first major achievement of the Ubisoft Singapore studio, Skull & Bones emerged as a consolidated idea after the good reception of the naval battles that marked with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.

Over time, the video game changed its focus on multiple occasions, going from being a mere expansion of the assassin saga to an independent title, generating a process in which development has been marked by budget excesses and continuous gameplay redesigns.

The official release date for now has not been revealed, but it is expected to be released between now and March 2023.

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