A league star appears transformed, the fans ridicule him!

The offseason often sees league athletes attempt things on a physical level, with stars frequently returning with a new look. Except that in the case of a big name in the Western Conference, his decision was a complete flop with the supporters who did not hesitate to shoot him.

And Zion Williamson will be back on the court next year, he won’t have to do everything on his own to lead the Pelicans. Indeed, the star interior will be able to count on a few quality lieutenants, such as CJ McCollum and Brandon Ingram. The second notably comes out of a year with nearly 23 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists on average and is increasingly establishing himself as one of the most all-round wingers on the circuit.

Inevitably, expectations will therefore also be high with regard to him, which is why he is scrutinized from all sides by observers. As a result, his physical transformation, and in particular hair, has not escaped anyone recently, in the training room. We’ve seen him sporting short dreads for most of his career, but here he is now with an afro and a beard that’s grown quite a bit over the summer:

Brandon Ingram’s new look doesn’t convince

For once, we do not really know what to think of BI’s decision, which appears to be quite neglected in this way. Of course, this is in no way an indication of his level of performance from the fall, but it is clear that he could have done better. This opinion is in any case shared by the supporters of New Orleans, all but captivated by the clichés. They therefore took the opportunity to distill a few tackles at the former Laker:

Ingram the homeless who will put 30 points on a game

Everything grew in him, except the muscles

Brandon Ingram still has a long way to go before his new look finally wins over everyone, because it clearly isn’t the case right now. There are also chances that he shaves off a major part of this hair mass before the recovery.

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