A Joyous Guinguette Celebration for Young Colette in Montreuil

2024-09-10 16:50:50

This will be the highlight of the mobilization in favor of Colette and her parents as much as a festive and family moment. The guinguette organized on Friday on the Place Darnétal in Montreuil will close a solidarity action launched in August at the initiative of Montreuil traders, touched by the story of Colette and her parents.

The 5-year-old girl, who is severely disabled, requires constant attention and care, which becomes more physical as Colette grows. Clémence and Matthieu, her parents, refuse to place her in a home and, after having considered the issue from every angle in light of their financial situation, have decided to renovate two rooms in their house in Montreuil. An investment of €65,000 that they cannot finance alone. For this reason, their entourage finally convinced them to launch an online kitty, the amount of which has been set at €50,000*, with Matthieu and Clémence managing the rest.

To give them a helping hand, Estelle Libert, from Darnétal Tavern and Mathieu Verhaeghe, from Gambetta Cafehad the idea of ​​organizing a guinguette and a raffle. Quickly joined by the Montreuil traders’ association and many other goodwills, they saw their initiative grow and even spread beyond Montreuil. Companies, other businesses took raffle tickets. Sports clubs carried out actions.

Music, chips and garlands

The guinguette will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a concert by the group Au coin de ta rue (singing, guitar and accordion). Colette’s parents will then speak. Then Sabrina Leblond, president of the Union des marchands de Montreuil, will announce the names of the raffle winners and present the main prizes.

The Kom Parazar group (swing, gypsy jazz) and DJ Fred (from the duo DJ Fred and Arnold T) will provide the musical atmosphere for the evening, until 11 p.m. As for entertainment, there will be games for children and a cocktail demonstration by Mathieu Verhaeghe and a 70s van in which you can take pictures. Bars, chip shop, barbecue, crepes: there will also be something to eat. All in a setting of pennants, garlands and marquees (you never know) sheltering tables and seats.

Place Darnétal will be closed at the level of the pharmacy on Place Verte, in front the Cocquempot and between Darnétal and the Beussent chocolate factory, but will remain open to traffic on the rue du Change side.

Bracelets and t-shirts in the colors of the association Coco et compagnie, which was created to collect donations, will be sold. The profits, as well as all the sums collected during the evening, will be donated to it and will add to the kitty.

* At the time of writing, the kitty has raised just over €33,300. To participate:

#guinguette #big #party #Colette #organized #Friday #Montreuil

Here‍ are⁤ some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title “Supporting Colette: A Heartwarming Story of Community Solidarity”:

Supporting Colette: A Heartwarming Story of Community Solidarity

In the ⁤charming town of Montreuil, a young girl named Colette has captured the hearts of the local​ community. The ⁤5-year-old, who suffers from epilepsy, motor retardation, and polyhandicap,⁣ requires constant attention ⁤and care from her parents, Clémence and Matthieu.⁤ Refusing​ to ‍place her in a home, the devoted ‌parents have embarked on a mission to renovate two rooms in their ⁢house​ to accommodate​ Colette’s growing needs.

The estimated cost of this renovation is‍ €65,000, a significant amount that the family cannot ⁢afford alone. This is where the kindness ‍of strangers comes⁤ in. ⁣In August, a solidarity action was launched by Montreuil traders, who were touched by Colette’s ‌story.‌ To raise funds for the renovation, an online kitty was created, with a target amount of €50,000. The⁣ remaining amount will be covered by Colette’s parents.

The community’s response has been overwhelming. Estelle Libert from Darnétal Tavern and Mathieu Verhaeghe from ⁤Gambetta Cafe‍ organized a guinguette and a raffle, which quickly gained momentum with the support of the Montreuil traders’ association and ‌numerous other good⁢ Samaritans. ‌The initiative has‌ spread beyond Montreuil, with⁣ companies and sports⁣ clubs participating in the raffle and carrying out actions to support Colette’s family.

This outpouring of support is a⁣ testament ⁢to the power⁣ of community solidarity. ​On⁢ Friday, a guinguette will be‍ held on the Place Darnétal in Montreuil, marking the culmination of the solidarity action. This event promises to be a⁤ festive and family-oriented celebration, bringing together⁤ the community in support of Colette and her parents.

As we learn more about Colette’s story, we ⁢are ⁤reminded of the importance of compassion, empathy, and kindness. The creation of a SAS (simplified joint-stock ⁣company) called Colette District [[1]]may be unrelated to this specific story, but it highlights the potential for collective action to drive positive change.

In a world where individual struggles often go unnoticed, Colette’s story serves as a beacon​ of hope. The love and ⁢support shown by the Montreuil community are a powerful reminder that we can all make a difference⁣ in the lives of those around us.


[[1]]Société COLETTE DISTRICT à 93100 MONTREUIL. (2023). Annuaire-Entreprises.

[[2]]Montreuil: les parents de Colette lancent ‌une cagnotte … (2024). Delta FM.

[[3]]Un couple de Montreuillois lance une cagnotte pour … (2024). Nord Littoral.

Community Solidarity examples

Supporting Colette: A Heartwarming Story of Community Solidarity

In Montreuil, a 5-year-old girl named Colette, who is severely disabled and epileptic, has captured the hearts of the community. Colette requires constant attention and care, which becomes more physical as she grows. Her parents, Clémence and Matthieu, refuse to place her in a home and have decided to renovate two rooms in their house to accommodate her needs. However, the investment of €65,000 is beyond their financial means.

To support Colette and her parents, an online kitty was launched, aiming to raise €50,000. The community of Montreuil has rallied around them, with traders, businesses, and sports clubs coming together to organize a guinguette (a festive outdoor gathering)



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