a hotel in Propriano that offers “unique experiences”

2023-12-01 18:35:58

This boutique hotel with 25 rooms and suites with sea views will reopen its doors next spring. In particular, it offers original experiences and turnkey discoveries in the Gulf of Valinco (South Corsica).

A'mare Corsica: a hotel in Propriano that offers “unique experiences” 1
© A’mare Corsica

Goodbye to boring luxury hotels with a stuffy atmosphere and hello to A’mare Corsica, an establishment that intends to “reconcile chic and fun, service and entertainment, discovery and well-being”.

Going to Corsica is always an incredible moment, but discovering the very essence of this destination is a real plus. The Isle of Beauty is not just about its beaches. It’s a little paradise for those looking for discoveries and original experiences. Breathtaking hikes, river swimming, boat, jet ski, quad or kayak excursions, there is so much to see and do. Such as spending a night in a lighthouse or on the superb beach of Cala d’Orzu, visiting the fabulous archaeological site of Filitosa or the surrounding vineyards.

A'mare Corsica: a hotel in Propriano that offers “unique experiences” 2A'mare Corsica: a hotel in Propriano that offers “unique experiences” 2
© A’mare Corsica

Insider tips delivered to clients

Unfortunately, if you don’t have the keys and local expertise, you can very quickly miss out on real little treasures. At A’mare Corsica, it’s as if we were asking friends for recommendations to discover the best deals in Corsica, a press release tells us. This establishment which breaks the codes of traditional hotels listens attentively to the aspirations of each customer, proposes, explains, and gives “A’mare insider tips”, “those little insider tips that make all the difference”.

A'mare Corsica: a hotel in Propriano that offers “unique experiences” 3A'mare Corsica: a hotel in Propriano that offers “unique experiences” 3
© A’mare Corsica

“Our customers also appreciate our location which allows them to easily visit the whole of southern Corsica from Ajaccio to Bonifacio, the multitude of activities offered, cultural or sporting, and of course the warm and relaxed atmosphere. Having fun, letting go, making discoveries, that’s the A’mare experience. It’s up to us to create all the conditions so that each of our customers can unwind and have an unforgettable stay,” declare the owners, whose identity has not been communicated to us.

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A rooftop with a view of the Gulf of Valinco

A'mare Corsica: a hotel in Propriano that offers “unique experiences” 4A'mare Corsica: a hotel in Propriano that offers “unique experiences” 4
© A’mare Corsica

The A’mare Corsica prides itself with its rooftop on having “one of the most beautiful views of the sea in Corsican hotels”. Adjoining a pretty swimming pool, the place allows you to have breakfast while admiring the sublime panorama. At the end of the day, customers enjoy meeting the bar team, recounting their adventures and sharing good times over a cocktail. signature or a glass of Corsican wine. A’mare Corsica also benefits from a seminar room overlooking the sea, which can accommodate up to 40 people.

#hotel #Propriano #offers #unique #experiences

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