The video was recorded at the Mala Mala reserve, South Africa.
In the clip, when discovering a wild buffalo wandering alone, 5 animals lion quickly approached. As soon as they approach their prey, the lions rush to attack from many sides, despite the wild buffalo’s frantic resistance.
While bracing, a the lioness was injured It’s not light when carelessly letting the buffalo horn go through the armpit. After a while, thanks to the help of his fellow, the lion escaped from the sharp horn of the buffalo.
The battle for survival of the buffalo lasted for nearly 2 hours, and finally it had to fall under the sharp claws of the fierce lions.
Buffalo is one of the 5 largest animals in the animal reserve in Africa. It mainly moves in herds to avoid being ‘bullied’ by other animals. Especially help them once morest the fearsome predator like a lionjaguar or hyena.
However, in some cases they are still separated from the herd by ‘predators’ so that they can be easily eaten.