A heavy overnight downpour destroyed a street in Vladivostok that had been repaired two weeks ago.

A heavy overnight downpour destroyed a street in Vladivostok that had been repaired two weeks ago.

2024-08-20 03:38:00

A night rain in Vladivostok almost destroyed the passageway along Fadeeva House No. 14. Now, the road has been transformed into a lunar landscape where you can only walk, with damaged cars trapped in the resulting craters. But the most offensive thing is that the new asphalt on this driveway was laid just two weeks ago and was washed away tonight. And this is not a warranty case.

On August 3, the mayor’s office announced partial repairs to Fadeev spend Municipal Highway Enterprise “Urban Maintenance” Brigade. They laid new asphalt that was under warranty. However, tonight the road was completely destroyed.

The mayor’s office clarified that the road was washed out due to the collapse of the collector. Storm channels in the area were disrupted due to a sharp rise in river levels and heavy rains that hit the city in a short period of time. In this case, not only the asphalt fails, but also the roadbed.

Experts from the council’s road department are carrying out inspections today to determine the amount and type of repair work. After that, they will decide who will perform the work.

Something similar happened to Davydov last summer. There is a shower washed asphalt After an overhaul, it finally had to be redone. By the way, there is no news about the floods in Davydov this year.

Learn more about how suffer Fadeeva Street and some other streets result The Vladivostok collision can be read in a separate source.

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