a healthy solution for digestion

2023-09-01 08:22:48

Dear friend, dear friend,

The yellow gentian or common gentian (Gentiana lutea) is one of the best-selling aromatic and medicinal plants in France(1,2).

The administration classifies it as aromatic plants.

And a 2018 Agrimer report tells us that yellow gentian is the fifth aromatic plant in commercial value in the country.(3).

A mid-mountain treasure

It comes after common tea, basil, coriander and bitter fennel(3).

It is, however, well below in volume.

It is a wild plant that is picked even if it is also cultivated.

It is mainly present at more than 800 meters of altitude. It is found in particular in the Massif Central, the Alps, the Vosges, the Jura and the Pyrenees(2,3).

But it is also grown in Seine-Maritime(2,3) !

A short tour through the Pays Gentiane

Whatever the final destination of the plant, it is generally the rhizome and the root that are of interest to pickers or growers of yellow gentian.

But the harvest is earned.

It takes about ten years before the rhizomes are ready for harvest.

We use a special tool, called “devil’s fork” the “gençanaïres”(4,5).

There is even a “gençanaïres” train which crosses the Pays Gentiane in the summer.

This beautiful country is located in the north of Cantal.

It brings together several municipalities that offer visitors and locals a rich cultural program made up of shows, festivals, meetings and of course simple markets.(5,6) !

Bitterness to spare

The question that surely torments you is therefore why is this plant so valuable?

This is due to the bitter principles it contains and which are used in different fields: spirits, cosmetics but also in herbalism.(7,8,9).

Because even if it is considered aromatic, gentian could have been classified among medicinal plants. It has so many virtues for your health!

These bitter principles are flavonoids, iridoids, xanthones, phytosterols, pectins and pyridine alkaloids!

The most widespread use is for appetizers. Yellow gentian is used to make liqueur: Suze, Salers, Avers, Fourche du Diable, Couderc, Diège, La Jeanette, Maison Turin, etc.

This liqueur is notably made in the Swiss or French Jura.

It is also used to make certain beers such as Bière de Fleurac.

Aromatic or medicinal?

It was a king of Illyria, who lived in the 2nd century BC, who gave his name to the gentian.

His name was Gentius. And according to Pliny the Elder, it was he who discovered or recorded the existence of the medicinal virtues of yellow gentian(8,9).

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Traditionally in herbalism, gentian is recognized for its virtues:

  • appetizersthat is to say, it gives appetite: it is a good thing for people who need to gain weight – and it exists(8,10) !
  • digestive : gentian softens digestion, limits gastric reflux, flatulence, soothes possible spasms and prevents constipation(7,8) ;
  • cholereticwhich means that it facilitates the work of the gallbladder: the production of bile increases(7,8) ;
  • anxiolytics : the presence of xanthones in particular would have a soothing effect. It is sometimes recommended in case of anorexia(7,8).

Gentian is also tonic.

It brings you energy. It strengthens your body.

It is therefore a useful plant for support recovery or to cope with a fatigue that lasts and sets in.

The infusion is better than the Suze!

La Suze or the equivalent is appreciated for its friendly appearance.

But alcohol in general is not really recommended for your health, especially if you feel very tired or your digestion is difficult.

In this case, the easiest way is to serve yourself a gentian herbal tea half an hour before the meal. Half a teaspoon of chopped root is enough for a cup(8).

It is a very bitter drink. You can also take the powder to consume in a herbal tea or simply with a glass of water(8).

There are other shapes according to your tastes. You can prepare a maceration or choose to put a few drops of mother tincture in a glass of water(8).

Medicinal yellow gentian wine also exists. It is drunk with a spoon like a syrup or in a very small glass. Don’t overdo it(8) !

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#healthy #solution #digestion

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