“A healthy liver can fail so quickly”… What are the worst eating habits that require a liver transplant? : Nate News

Be Cautious with Medications, Folk Remedies, and Unfamiliar Foods for Liver Health

A doctor who remains healthy and active in his mid-90s stated, “I take supplements cautiously to protect my liver.” When we think of ‘liver health,’ we often associate it with alcohol, but food intake is crucial as well. The liver plays a vital role in detoxifying our bodies by filtering out drugs or toxins that enter so they do not become harmful. However, if exposure to drugs and foods is excessive, it can lead to liver damage. Let’s take a moment to learn more about the liver.

My liver was fine“… Suddenly, need a liver transplant??

An individual with no prior liver issues may suddenly encounter a rapid decline in liver function, resulting in confusion and brain swelling within a few days to a few weeks. Additionally, blood clotting disorders may arise, leading to bleeding. The liver’s detoxification capability decreases, resulting in life-threatening situations. This condition is known as acute liver failure (according to data from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency). The most frequent causes of acute liver failure, characterized by rapid liver deterioration, are viral hepatitis and medications.

I needed to be cautious with medications too“… “Misusing unfamiliar foods is dangerous

As reported by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hepatitis B and herbal remedies are the leading causes of liver failure in South Korea. Concerning medications, it involves not just prescription drugs, but also over-the-counter drugs, health supplements, herbal remedies, and poisonous mushrooms. Therefore, if liver failure occurs, it is essential to gather detailed information on all medications, herbal remedies, and food supplements the patient has taken. Moreover, hepatitis A, autoimmune hepatitis, and Wilson’s disease can contribute to this condition.

I want to avoid a liver transplant… “Unproven folk remedies are particularly hazardous

In South Korea, the chances of a patient with severe acute liver failure recovering naturally with just internal medicine treatment, without a liver transplant, are only 20-25%. Emergency liver transplantation is the most reliable and established treatment option for patients with acute liver failure seeking long-term survival. The decision to undergo a liver transplant depends on the underlying cause of acute liver failure.

If the cause is excessive use of acetaminophen, a common painkiller and fever reducer, 50-60% of patients can survive without a liver transplant if they receive early and intensive treatment. However, in cases of hepatitis B or if other drugs, herbal remedies, or folk medicines are involved, the natural survival rate drops to approximately 20% (according to data from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency). Additionally, patient age and the severity of hepatic encephalopathy significantly affect mortality rates.

How to maintain liver health?… “medications, folk remedies, Exercise caution with unfamiliar foods

The first step to preventing fatal liver failure is to approach the aforementioned medications and folk remedies with caution. Even when using prescribed medications, it is crucial to adhere to dosage guidelines and avoid overuse. Employing folk remedies, herbal medicines, or unfamiliar foods that others claim are “good for your body” can be hazardous.

If you are infected with the hepatitis B virus, it is essential to have regular checkups and be selective about your diet due to the increased risk of liver cancer. Excessive indulgence can often lead to detrimental effects on a healthy liver. Few ‘medications’ can provide immediate health benefits for your body. The foundation for liver health relies on balanced nutrition and consistent exercise.

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Beware of Medicines, Folk Remedies, and Unfamiliar Foods for Liver Health

The starting point for preventing fatal liver failure is to be careful with medications and folk remedies. Even with prescription drugs prescribed by a doctor, you must follow the dosage guidelines and avoid overuse.

The Importance of Liver Health

The liver plays a crucial role in detoxification, filtering out drugs, toxins, and metabolic waste from our bodies. A healthy liver minimizes the risk of serious diseases, including liver failure. The mantra of “everything in moderation” is particularly relevant when considering our medication and food intake.

Understanding Acute Liver Failure

A person who has never had liver disease may suddenly experience rapid deterioration in liver function, leading to confusion and brain edema within a few days to a few weeks. Blood clotting disorders may also occur, causing bleeding due to decreased detoxification function. This condition is known as acute liver failure and is often triggered by:

  • Viral hepatitis
  • Prescription and over-the-counter drugs
  • Herbal medicines and folk remedies
  • Poisonous mushrooms

Causes of Acute Liver Failure

According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most common causes of liver failure in Korea include:

Cause Details
Viral Hepatitis Especially hepatitis B and C infections.
Drugs Abuse of acetaminophen and other medications.
Herbal Remedies Use of unverified herbal supplements.
Foods Ingestion of toxic mushrooms or unfamiliar foods.

The Risks of Folk Remedies and Unfamiliar Foods

Despite the popularity of certain folk remedies, they can be highly dangerous. Many are unproven and may exacerbate pre-existing liver conditions or create new ones. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Natural ≠ Safe: Just because something is labeled as “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe for consumption, especially for the liver.
  • Research Ingredients: Always verify the safety and efficacy of any unfamiliar foods or supplements.
  • Consult Health Professionals: Before trying new remedies or foods, consult with healthcare providers.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Liver Health

1. Be Cautious with Medications

Even prescription medications should be taken as directed to avoid overwhelming the liver. This includes:

  • Following dosage guidelines strictly.
  • Keeping track of all medications taken, including over-the-counter drugs.
  • Avoiding self-medication with herbal remedies without medical supervision.

2. Focus on a Balanced Diet

Diet plays a significant role in liver health. Important dietary tips include:

  • Emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Limit saturated fats and processed sugars.
  • Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol.

3. Regular Health Screenings

If you have liver condition risks such as hepatitis B, regular health checkups are vital. Early detection can prevent complications such as liver cancer.

Understanding the Full Scope of Risk Factors

The onset of liver issues can happen suddenly. It is crucial to be aware that certain behaviors and products increase liver risk:

  • Consuming excessive alcohol.
  • Using recreational drugs.
  • Eating a high-fat diet consistently.

Case Study: The Importance of Proactive Liver Care

Consider the experience of Jihoon, a 45-year-old male who developed acute liver failure after self-medicating with a herbal supplement recommended by a friend. Initially, Jihoon reported feeling fatigued but disregarded it as stress at work. Within a week, he was hospitalized with severe liver damage largely attributed to his herbal use. This underscores the importance of being cautious with such remedies.

First-Hand Experiences

Healthcare professionals emphasize the importance of taking liver health seriously. Dr. Kim, a well-respected physician in her 90s, admits, “I take supplements carefully to protect my liver.” She advocates for a holistic approach—balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and being informed about the medications and foods one ingests.


The liver is a resilient but vulnerable organ. By being cautious with medicines, scrutinizing folk remedies, and being wary of unfamiliar foods, you can guard against liver disease and maintain overall health. Remember: proactive and informed choices lead to better health outcomes.



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