Many housewives use oil to fry food more than once, but this method is very wrong and has great harm to human health, so it is recommended to use frying oil only once to fry food, then it is discarded following that, because repeated frying turns the oil into a substance Poisonous and dangerous.
Need to get rid of frying oil
Many people during that period buy used frying oil from homes for an amount of money, claiming that they use it in the manufacture of soap, but this claim is incorrect, as they recycle it once more and add some bleach to it to lighten the color and resell it once more, so Housewives must get rid of the oils used in cooking as soon as possible and not follow the oil merchants and sell them to them because of the danger to human health.
What are the harms of recycled frying oil?
Recycled frying oil has many risks, which are as follows:
- Oils are originally saturated fats, so if they are recycled, the matter becomes more dangerous and worse, as saturated fats multiply in it.
- Restaurants are the most used category for these recycled oils for use in many of the foods they prepare.
- These oils increase health problems such as kidney failure, clogged arteries, and other serious diseases.
- These oils pose a great danger to human health because of their great damage, which many doctors have warned once morest using, led by the famous doctor, Hossam Mowafi.