A happy start, a fun challenge and a new boss despite herself!

Three hours and 30 minutes of deliberation then passed before electing Martin as the new boss of the house, but not without conditions: he had to work with Tranna to make every power decision. This duo he affectionately named ‘Trannin’ put two volunteers on the block, Stephanie Harvey and Éléonore Lagacébefore the video game champion won the veto challenge and decided, in the most kamikaze momentum, to use her veto on Leo!

Good that Tranna tried everything to save his ally Lysanne Richardfollowing the victory of Stephanie, Martin was able to come up with an impressive plan to protect his back… and his allies, resulting in to a great masqueradethe outcome of which was underlined by the endangerment of Lysanne alongside her good friend and ally Stephanie.

Although she did not give up until the very end, it was the extreme diver who had to pack up on Sunday evening following a 3-1 vote, despite a more than convincing last-ditch campaign with of the covenant of Marie-Mai (even in the spa!), support by Tranna. Moreover, to watch the full interview with Lysanne, go to noovo.ca! What is certain is that his good humor and his laughter filling the entire space of a room will be missed!



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