A habit that many people have may increase the risk of dementia | Alzheimer’s disease | nose picking | nose hair pulling

nose pickingIt is a very common behavior, but now studies have pointed out that when people pick their noses, they may also allow a kind of bacteria to invade the brain and buryAlzheimer’s diseaserisks of. This is how the same thing?

A study by Griffith University in Australia found thatChlamydia pneumoniae(Chlamydia pneumoniae) can invade the brain through the olfactory nerve of the mouse nose, causing the brain to deposit beta-amyloid plaques-this isAlzheimer’s diseasesymbols of.[1]

Under normal circumstances, the brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier, and it is difficult for general macromolecules to enter the brain, but the olfactory nerve opens an entrance, which becomes a shortcut for bacteria to enter the brain.researchers willChlamydia pneumoniaeImplanted into the nasal cavity of mice, it was found that regardless of whether the nasal cavity of the mouse was damaged or not, the brain slices found the deposition of β-amyloid plaques caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae.

DNA from Chlamydia pneumoniae has also been found in the brain samples of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.[2]

The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, concluded that the nerves that run between the nasal cavity and the brain serve as conduits for Chlamydia pneumoniae to quickly invade the central nervous system. Chlamydia pneumoniae in the nose may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease, researchers believe.

“Nostril picking andpluck nose hair, neither is a good practice. “These actions can cause injury to the nasal mucosa, which may bring bacteria into the olfactory nerve.

In response to this study, Zheng Yuanyu, former chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, believes that this can only mean that there is a correlation between bacterial infection and Alzheimer’s disease, but it does not mean that there is a causal relationship.

Because Alzheimer’s disease is a complex disease. It is also said that it may be that following people age, there are some problems in the brain, which makes it easy for germs to enter the brain.

Zheng Yuanyu pointed out that usually any germs entering the brain will cause earth-shaking changes. Patients will quickly fall ill due to bacterial infection and inflammation, and even die of illness.Therefore, now people don’t know what kind of activity Chlamydia pneumoniae has in the brain, only that it is related todementiarelated.

Zhang Shiheng, director of Neihu Qile Integrative Medicine Clinic, believes that there is no need to be afraid of increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease every time you pick your nose because of this research. Because this is an animal study, there are still differences in the structure of animals and humans.

Nose picking may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, but doctors say it’s nothing to worry regarding, study finds. (shutterstock)

4 ways to safely pick your nose to reduce the generation of booger is fundamental

Although there is no need to worry too much, if you can pick your nostrils in the correct way, you can reduce the risk of scratching the nasal mucosa and infection of bacteria:

1. Cut nails

“Many nasal mucosa injuries are caused by nail scratches,” Zhang Shiheng said. Some girls like to keep their nails longer, or some people like to have long nails on their little fingers.

He pointed out that although the incidence is very low, there have been cases of patients picking their noses and getting meningococcal infections as a result.

2. Wash your hands before picking your nose

In addition to Chlamydia pneumoniae, people are easily exposed to many germs, but by washing hands, most potential threats can be washed away. Zheng Yuanyu explained that the process of washing hands with soap and flushing water can remove most of the pathogens from the hands, and when the number of pathogens decreases, the effect of protecting the human body can be achieved.

3. Spray out the boogers

Zhang Shiheng shared his personal method to clear boogers without picking the nostrils: If there is a big booger in the right nasal cavity, press the left nostril, and blow air forcefully through the right nostril to shoot out the big booger with airflow. However, cover your nose with toilet paper in advance.

4. Use a neti pot

If you have allergic rhinitis, you can wash your nose with a nasal irrigator at home. In this way, not only can relieve symptoms, but also clean the nasal cavity. Washing your nose can also soften hardened boogers, making them easier to clean out.

If you use tools to assist, it is not recommended to use cotton swabs, because it is easy to push the booger deep into the nasal cavity.

Another method that can damage the nasal mucosa ispluck nose hair. Because the hair follicles are pulled out together with the nose hair, the wound will be relatively large, so it is recommended to use special scissors to trim the nose hair.

Zhang Shiheng, who used to be an emergency physician, said that many people have nosebleeds following pulling out their nose hairs. He has also seen patients with high blood pressure who were sent to the emergency room because of bleeding caused by pulling out their nose hairs.

Another fundamental solution is to reduce booger production. Booger is formed when the nose filters the impurities in the air and mixes with the mucus secreted by the nasal cavity. Therefore, we should pay attention to air pollution. If it is less dusty, you can also wear a mask and turn on the air purifier.

Wearing a mask is an easy way to reduce boogers. (Shutterstock)

Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common pathogen and many people may have been infected

In addition to reminding people to be careful when picking their noses, the researchers also mentioned that Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common pathogen that mainly causes respiratory tract and lung infections.

Chlamydia pneumoniae is also known as Chlamydia pneumoniae. Zheng Yuanyu said that it can be transmitted between communities, causing community-type pneumonia, accounting for regarding 10% of all community-type pneumonia, and it mostly occurs when the seasons change.

However, “it’s a very weak bacteria, so it’s not usually mentioned,” he said with a smile.

Pneumonia caused by C. pneumoniae is mild and easily treated, usually without antibiotics. Some people don’t even know they have the pneumonia until they heal themselves.

Therefore, it also belongs to “walking pneumonia” (walking pneumonia): it refers to the patient who can still carry out normal activities, but only complains of coughing, thinking it is a common cold, only to find out that it is pneumonia following examination. This type of condition usually occurs in young people, and it can be more serious in older people.

Generally speaking, if an adult coughs for 1 to 2 weeks and still cannot heal, and it is a severe cough, the doctor will guess that it is infected with Chlamydia pneumoniae. The reason is that the pneumonia it causes has another characteristic: apart from coughing, other symptoms are not obvious.

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Responsible editor: Li Qingfeng



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