“A great opportunity”: in Toulon, the engineering school with all expenses paid for thirteen graduates

From the start of the 2024 school year, students from priority neighborhoods in La Seyne, Toulon, Var, or foreign students, have benefited from 100% coverage of their tuition fees (1) by the Fortil endowment fund, whose headquarters is in La Seyne.

“These scholarships reflect a strong desire to advance inclusivity in higher education, particularly in the field of engineering, by enabling more students from different backgrounds to access high-level higher education”reports l’Isen. “These young people were chosen based on social and residential criteria, and also based on their academic value and their interpersonal skills. In no case did we deviate from the entry level.”explains Agnès Laville, the director of the establishment.

“A very great chance”

In total, 13 students benefit from the endowment fund. Like Lina Ben Baout, 18, in preparatory cycles in computer science and digital technology, who testifies: “I would like to focus on cybersecurity or smart energy in my third year. The Fortil scholarship takes a huge burden off my parents’ shoulders. (6,000 euros per year, Editor’s note)and to me too since I had to work alongside my studies”.

“The next four years are fully supported by Fortil. It’s a great opportunity for young people from neighborhoods like us, who don’t necessarily have the means to pay for an engineering school. I would like to be an engineer in renewable energies and why not become CEO later,” says Mohamed Ben Basson, in his second year of studies and originally from the priority district of Berthe in La Seyne.

Sponsorship and integration

“Beyond the financial aspect, the young beneficiaries of this scholarship are supported by a sponsor, from the Fortil teams, who has the role of tutor to the student, to regularly support them in the success of their studies and in defining their professional project”, specifies the higher education institution.

Among them, Aurélien Ferrando, computer engineer: “As a Fortil associate, I want to bring my skills and know-how to a student and provide them with the necessary support on a technical, professional and personal level.”

“Sponsorship and social and environmental commitment are part of the group’s DNA. Our goal is to train young engineers, with 30% women, without compensation,” recalls Florian Tocanier, CSR project manager at Fortil. The partnership with Isen is therefore long-term.

“The founder and CEO of Fortil Olivier Remini is not simply a patron, there is real support. From participation in the jury selecting candidates to sponsorship, a real springboard to the professional worldassures Agnès Laville, director of Isen Méditerranée. Common objective: “Feeding the local ecosystem”.

1. The courses funded by Fortil scholarships are the preparatory classes for the MPSI/PSI grandes écoles; the preparatory cycles in computer science and digital technology or biology, science and technology; the cybersecurity bachelor’s degree; the engineering cycle under student status; the specialized master’s degree in cybersecurity. For example, a student completing 5 years of study (2 years of preparatory classes then 3 years of engineering cycle) will not have to pay tuition fees.



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