a great free horror game on the Epic Games Store for a limited time

The horror game, a genre still as popular, even without Silent Hill

Many of you are surely hoping for the return of the licence Silent Hill for several years. With PT, we didn’t go far. But unfortunately we will have to wait a while longer, even if some rumors here and there make us want to believe it.

But that doesn’t mean the survival horror genre is dead. Many games are capable of terrifying you just as much as the Silent Hills of the great era. In Sound Mind, free to play on the Epic Games Store next week, is one of them.

An excellent horror game not to be missed

Released in June 2020, In Sound Mind impressed for its great atmosphere and gripping story. The psychological horror game was not free from minor flaws, with technical issues slightly tarnishing the experience. But nothing that spoils a thrilling and rather long adventure. So we could say that you would get your money’s worth by rushing to In Sound Mind, but you’re not, because the game will be free on the Epic Games Store next week.

From March 17 at 5 p.m., you can rush to the game developed by We Create Stuff. You will have one week to add it to your library for free. In Sound Mind’s puzzles and boss fights just might win you over. And make you want to rub shoulders with another category of bosses, much creepier and scarier.

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