“A gourmet cooking workshop” at La Pastourelle – LOURDES-ACTU

2023-10-30 07:53:49

This Thursday, October 26 at the EHPAD “La Pastourelle”, took place the monthly afternoon “Cooking workshop” or rather today pastry workshop.

3 ladies had registered and wanted to prepare a good chocolate cake. And it is with a lot of know-how and pleasure that they beat eggs, mix butter, sugar and chocolate without forgetting the yeast under the guidance of the host Mathilde.

The latter explains to us that cooking can be good therapy for the elderly. These cooking workshops are oriented towards well-being: handling, creating, tasting becomes a real pleasure again. This pastry workshop is a simple but effective activity. This activity is beneficial for re-appropriating everyday actions. Furthermore, it will engage several senses: taste, smell, vision, touch… But also, eating what they have prepared helps boost the appetite.

The 3 pastry chefs, very proud of the result, said they shared a very pleasant moment with this fun and delicious workshop. And even though the chocolate cake wasn’t huge, they wanted to share it with other residents attracted by the good aromas.

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