A good one for CEDEARs: Amazon shares rise after a great financial balance

2023-10-27 19:57:22

After a black week for the CEDEARs due to the drop in the price of the dollar Cash with Liquidation (CCL), the actions of Amazonthe ecommerce giant of USArose sharply due to the presentation of a good Financial balance.

In this context, the team Channel E communicated with Adrian Morenoeconomist and journalist, who spoke regarding the latest news on the international stock market.

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“The company brings good news for those of us who save on CEDEARswhich are small portions of foreign stocks,” said Moreno, who then completed: “One of the big concerns of investors regarding CEDEARs is seeing the slates in red.”

“The collapse of these instruments is due to the price of the CCL in the country“We must differentiate the exchange component from the value of the share,” explained the economist. “Amazon had a very significant rebound,” he added.

Finally, the expert said that Amazon went through a process of rearranging variables as a result of the monetary policy of the North American country. “Rates are at very high levels until inflation reaches 2% year-on-year”he concluded.

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