a giant coral reef has escaped global warming

For several years now, our planet has had to face increasingly intense global warming. And no area of ​​the latter is spared. In particular, the depths of our oceans. But a glimmer of hope seems to have been springing up for several weeks.

A major discovery

According to information disclosed by the AFP, relayed by theHuffington Post, Thursday January 20, 2022, a giant rose-shaped coral reef has been discovered in French Polynesia, off the coast of Tahiti more precisely. Many stretches of coral are suffering from the current climatic conditions, but this one seems to have escaped the global warming that we have known in recent decades.

“IIt is one of the largest coral reefs in the world to be over 30 meters deep, can we read in a press release from Unesco. The organization also gives details: “the immaculate condition of the rose-shaped corals and the extent of the area they cover make this a very unusual find”.

This incredible discovery dates back to November 2021 during a shipping organized by members of Unesco and scientists from the French laboratory Criobe.“The team made dives totaling around 200 hours to study the reef and were able to witness the spawning of the coral”, says the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

A drastic decision

Significant resources have also been put in place to best monitor this protected area. In particular, specific diving equipment allowing you to descend very deeply into the water. “We are at the start of a monitoring program that we hope will be long term”, explains Unesco.

And in different countries, such as the archipelago of Palau, radical means have also been made available to enable the protection of coral reefs. judged “toxic to reefs”, sunscreen had been banned on the beaches of the island from January 1, 2020.

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