A German-Hungarian success story – – 2024-03-07 18:54:04

A German-Hungarian success story – 
 – 2024-03-07 18:54:04

Armaments cooperation

In mid-February, a DialogUngarn event took place in Munich under the title “Strengthening European Defense – German-Hungarian Cooperation”.

Hungary’s strategy and goals in the defense industry as well as cooperation with German market participants were the topic discussed by DialogUngarn in cooperation with the Budapest Security Dialogue (BSD) and the Federal Association for Economics and Foreign Trade (BWA) in the Consulate General on the eve of the Munich Security Conference from Hungary in Munich. Consul General Gábor Tordai-Lejkó welcomed the guests and Prof. László Palkovics, former minister. D. and CEO of the state defense holding N7, who presented where Hungary stands in this industrial sector and what the country’s strategy and goals are.

Significant contribution to Europe’s security

This impulse was reflected in the subsequent discussion moderated by Dr. Arne Gobert, Managing Director of DialogUngarn and BSD, elaborates. In addition to Prof. László Palkovics, his discussion partners were representatives of well-known German companies in the sector that are also economically active in Hungary.

It became clear what a success story German-Hungarian cooperation in the defense industry is and how it makes a significant contribution to European security. Much earlier than the rest of Europe, Hungary had formulated a clear strategy and goals in the field of defense industry. In this way, Hungary was also able to create a reliable framework for investors from this sector.

Attractive, stable jobs

The fact that the state is partly involved in the companies in joint venture structures is seen as an obligation to the industry. Production in Hungary is now not just for the Hungarian army, but for the entire European market. Production is supplemented by research and development activities. Companies in Hungary are now also perceived as attractive employers because they can offer stable jobs.

Here You will find further impressions of the event as well as a video recording.

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