A gamer organized a fight of two bosses in Elden Ring – they are considered the strongest in the game | Games

Modder nicknamed Garden of Eyes pitted two bosses from Elden Ring – Malenia and Radana, who are considered by many users to be one of the strongest creatures in the game. The gamer posted a video of their fight on YouTube.

The fight between the bosses consisted of three rounds and took place without the participation of the player. Twice the winner was Malenia, who fought in the form from her first phase, and once – Radan. The modder also organized an additional round, in which Malenia appeared in the form from the second phase. In this fight, Radan was defeated in less than 20 seconds.

Elden Ring came out on the night of February 25th. The title is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. Previous users found a way receive Fii’s UNDERWEAR.


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