A game of the heart, that unexpected embrace between Schlein and Renzi displaces the Democratic Party –

Edward Sirignano

There is nothing more real than football. Which is why the hug between Elly Schlein, in Holly version, and Matteo Renzi, who imitates Cassano, starting with the extra belly, proves to be more than a simple test in a very wide field perspective. The former prime minister’s is a real assist for the secretary of the Democratic Party, who from the L’Aquila pitch, through the unexpected goal, tries to heal a fracture, open until yesterday. The Third Pole scheme, on the other hand, turns out to be a failure and therefore, the lily of Florence, having no other options, forgets the past and goes back to flirting with that companion first ignored and then criticized. A rapprochement that is clearly evident through hugs and smiles, published by Matteo on X. However, the protagonism of Giuseppe Conte does not escape, either, forcing the organizers to give him the number 10 shirt, the one reserved for champions. As can be seen in an Instagram story, which refers to Brazil, only he knows how to invent the magic that can allow progressives to win.

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The notes of Mas que nada certainly do not belong to the Nordic Schlein, busy phrasing with the champion of Italia Viva and little with the attacking partner, chosen by the president of the Senate and Oronzo Canà for a day Ignazio La Russa. Who, on the other hand, finds himself perfectly matched with Ronaldinho of Volturara Appula is the number one of Si Nicola Fratoianni, who as a good winger, tries to support the striker of the M5S in his insertions. A role guessed by the Fdi coach is also the one reserved for the green Angelo Bonelli, a more than reliable goalkeeper. In recent months, moreover, he has had to remedy every naivety committed by his allies in Parliament, including the occupation of other people’s property and unpaid rents. Who, on the contrary, tries to carve out his space on the other side of the field is Luigi Marattin. Aside from the photo in the locker room with the former Tuscan mentor, there were many glances of complicity with the center-right made in Meloni, especially with the blue champions. How can you resist the charm of the champions of the great team selected by Silvio?

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On the Gran Sasso pitch, among the ranks of the Berluscones, there are players of the highest level: the vice president of the Chamber Giorgio Mulè, that of the Senate Licia Ronzulli and above all the expert senator Maurizio Gasparri. Another reliable last man is the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti, who, supported by the undersecretary and defender Alessandro Morelli, tries to stop every incursion of the opponents. Those who know how to face a crisis, certainly, have no difficulty in stopping the first shot from outside the area. Among the stars of the national parliamentary team, the midfield mastiff or the Gattuso in the Apulian version Leonardo Donno also stands out. Those who manage to emerge in the furious brawls of Montecitorio, can win anywhere. Among the new promises, however, the name to keep an eye on is Marco Furfaro. In the corridors of the Nazareno, there are rumors that he has already booked the coveted Ministry of Labor. The same reasoning applies to the omnipresent Anna Ascani, who will only have to choose whether to run in her Umbria or continue her rapid Roman climb. More silent, however, are the Pd group leaders Francesco Boccia and Chiara Braga. Even on the playing field they must calm dormant discontent and trace those necessary alliances. The pentastellato director Ettore Licheri knows something regarding it.

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#game #heart #unexpected #embrace #Schlein #Renzi #displaces #Democratic #Party #Tempo
2024-07-20 10:49:59



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