A French minister is criticized for appearing in Playboy | Video

news news--summary news--video-playing" data-post-id="1370189" data-video-id="spanish/2023/04/03/ministra-francia-playboy-redaccion-buenos-aires.cnn">

Posted at 15:40 ET (19:40 GMT) Monday, April 3, 2023



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Posted at 19:56 ET (23:56 GMT) Monday, April 3, 2023

Paris bans the use of electric skateboards, why?


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Posted at 15:42 ET (19:42 GMT) Monday, April 3, 2023


news news--summary" data-post-id="1370184" data-video-id="spanish/2023/04/03/francia-torre-eiffel-paris-redaccion-buenos-aires.cnn">

Posted at 15:42 ET (19:42 GMT) Monday, April 3, 2023

Check out this new miniature version of the Eiffel Tower


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Posted at 20:30 ET (00:30 GMT) Thursday, March 30, 2023

The images of the strong impact of the drought in Europe


news news--summary" data-post-id="1367555" data-video-id="spanish/2023/03/29/francia-manifestaciones-emmanuel-macron-reforma-plan-pensiones-panorama-mundial-cnne.cnn">

Posted at 21:11 ET (01:11 GMT) Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tenth day of protests against Macron's pension reform


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Posted at 18:37 ET (22:37 GMT) Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The streets of Paris are full of garbage: why?


news news--summary" data-post-id="1362060" data-video-id="spanish/2023/03/17/manifestaciones-francia-arrestos-macron-paris-reforma-pensiones-alejandra-oraa-cafe.cnn">

Posted at 11:52 ET (15:52 GMT) Friday, March 17, 2023

More than 300 people arrested in France during protests


news news--summary" data-post-id="1358983" data-video-id="spanish/2023/03/11/protestas-reforma-pensiones-francia-macron-juan-dillon-mirador-mundial-lkl.cnn">

Posted at 19:01 ET (23:01 GMT) Saturday, March 11, 2023

Protests in France against proposed pension reform


news news--summary" data-post-id="1356968" data-video-id="spanish/2023/03/08/reforma-pensiones-francia-macron-juan-dillon-ana-luengo-panorama-mundial.cnn">

Posted at 21:59 ET (01:59 GMT) Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Millions of people in France against the pension reform


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