a former Rockstar dev argues for a smaller, denser map

2023-10-30 13:51:58

GTA 6 is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated games in history, and every scrap of information about it instantly goes viral. Fans can’t wait to see what Rockstar has in store. A former Rockstar developer who contributed to several of the company’s major titles shares his vision for GTA 6, and it’s an approach that bucks current trends in open-world games.

In a world where game board sizes continue to grow, the idea of ​​a smaller, yet richer and denser game space is both intriguing and appealing. Let’s dive into the details of this bold proposal and explore together how it could transform our gaming experience in GTA 6.

Densifying the GTA experience: The opinion of a Rockstar veteran

Tony Gowland, former developer at Rockstar who worked on titles such as GTA: Liberty City Stories and Red Dead Redemption, shared his hopes for GTA 6 in an interview with PCGamesN. His idea ? A smaller, but incredibly dense and content-rich game map.

“I think a smaller but more densely populated location could bring back some of that memorable sailing that I loved in the original,” Gowland explains. For him, density should take precedence over size, creating a more immersive and memorable gaming experience.

The example of Starfield and Yakuza

Games like Starfield offer huge playable spaces, but can sometimes lose their luster as players experience repetitive similar locations. Conversely, the Yakuza series, with its small, densely populated spaces, creates a very different and perhaps more impactful open world experience.

Whether the map is big or small, Rockstar has proven time and time again its ability to create captivating worlds. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a striking example, offering total immersion in nature and the Wild West, and receiving unanimous praise from the community.

Tony Gowland’s proposal for GTA 6 offers a refreshing perspective and sets another trend in open-world game design. As the industry moves toward ever-larger maps, a more focused and detailed approach could redefine what we expect from an open world.

Rockstar, with its legacy of creating immersive worlds, has the unique opportunity to surprise and delight fans with GTA 6. Only time will tell which direction they choose, but one thing is certain: excitement and anticipation around GTA 6 are only growing.

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