a former player and recruiter convicted of domestic violence – Sport.fr

On February 28, Alain Caveglia, a former OL player and recruiter, was tried by the Caen criminal court for domestic violence and repeated death threats, and was sentenced.

Although he did not attend the hearing, he was found guilty by the courts. According France Bluehe will have to follow “ an awareness and prevention course on violence within a couple and sexist in the next 18 months. The facts took place in June 2021 in Eterville (Calvados), where Caveglia had then been unemployed for two years. His girlfriend at the time reported that he was violent, especially under the influence of alcohol, punching him in the thigh and arm.

The following day, his partner came to collect her belongings from their home and Caveglia grabbed her by the throat. Frightened, the woman called the police on the emergency number, and during the conversation, Caveglia uttered death threats and insults which were recorded by the gendarmerie operator. On June 26 of the same year, a complaint was filed against him, but his partner finally withdrew it three months later. Caveglia admitted the facts and the relationship between the two is now appeased. Note that a first similar incident took place in April 2021, which ended in a criminal composition.

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