A former engineer, she gave up everything to open her Mediterranean delicatessen in Brest

2023-10-08 07:06:01

The Covid period was an opportunity to reconsider for Aurore Barbero who will open the Mediterranéo boutique. “I wanted a name that was representative of the products that come from around the Mediterranean. »

After fifteen years spent in marine science and technology at La Ciotat, then at Ifremer in Brest, Aurore made a 180°C turnaround in her professional life. “I said to myself: “What’s the point?” Do I have fun while working? What do I bring to others. After a skills assessment at UBO, I put into words my values, my passions, combined with this desire to return to essential things, to my Provençal origins and this passion for cooking transmitted by my grandfather. Father Eugene. »

From this introspection was born Medirerranéo, a boutique which aims to highlight the good things that can be found on a table. Within this store which is intended to be an invitation to travel, oils, vinegars, a range of sweets, cold meats, cheeses, wines and other dishes from around the Mediterranean.

Practical : Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mediterranéo, 47, rue de Lyon.

#engineer #gave #open #Mediterranean #delicatessen #Brest

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