A footballer who hit a referee from behind was suspended for life: his own club punished him | Football

Cristian Tirone, the player who shook football after hitting a referee from behind, was expelled by his club and is expected not to set foot on a field again.

Cristian Tirone, player of Deportivo Garmense, was suspended for life by the club’s leadership.

The footballer had cowardly attacked the match referee last Sunday, for which he was quickly arrested. This Monday, the president of the Tres Arroyos Regional Soccer League club issued a sharp sanction against Tirone.

The 34-year-old player hit Dalma Cortadi from behind, judge of the match that Deportivo Garmense played against Club Deportivo Independencia, and was quickly arrested by the police. In addition, he opened a criminal case labeled “minor injuries and infringement of Law 11,829 on sports events.”

José del Río, president of Garmense, said that the soccer player no longer belongs to the club and stated that he will seek to prevent him from entering any stadium for the rest of his life. “It is an unfortunate fact, it hurts a lot as a member of the board of directors and the soccer subcommittee. The player no longer belongs to the institution, the club expelled him, he is disaffected for life “affirmed del Río and added: “APREVIDE is going to inform the player so that he does not enter a court anymore.”

In this sense, the head of the Agency for the Prevention of Violence in Sports, Eduardo Aparicio, announced that the body he directs will go “with the full weight of the law” against the player Tirone.

“There is no qualifier to pigeonhole this individual who assaulted a woman. As far as we are concerned, we are going to go with the full weight of the law so that he is no longer in any public show or can play soccer in any team, “explained Aparicio.

For its part, the Argentine Football Association repudiated the incident through an official statement and assured that “it will be transferred to the Disciplinary Court to apply the corresponding sanction to the player and that these aberrant events will not be repeated in any other stadium. of Our Football”.

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