A Fitness Trainer Shared His Simple “Do Nothing” Tip For Losing Fat

Professional bodybuilder and physical trainer Paul Revelia regularly shares tips for fat loss On his YouTube channel, he draws inspiration from his own experiences preparing for competitive fitness shows, and in a new video, he explains the “do nothing” method to reduce body fat that he uses with some of his clients.

“Losing weight is more complex than ‘moving more, eating less,'” he says. “Yes, all weight loss processes are derived from a Calorie deficiencyBut what is a calorie deficit? »

He explains that knowing your basal metabolic rate (BMR) can be an incredibly useful tool if fat loss is your goal. Basal Metabolic Rate is the number of calories your body naturally burns each day in its normal functions, excluding any additional physical exercise. Basal metabolic rate calculators are available online, and once you have that number, it’s easy to figure out what kind of realistic calorie deficit to include in your diet so you can essentially lose weight without having to increase your physical activity. .

“Your basal metabolic rate will actually decrease with the loss of body fat, because your body doesn’t need a lot of energy to function,” says Revelia. “It’s like driving a car on a highway and you have a trailer attached… If you drop a trailer that weighs a thousand pounds, your car will be efficient and need less fuel to run. »

He also points out that as your calorie deficit continues and your basal metabolic rate decreases, you may feel more tired and your body will burn fewer calories trying to conserve energy. This is called mitochondrial efficiency because the body becomes more efficient in its daily movements.

When you get to that sticking point, a common tactic is to add more cardio to your routine and cut out a few extra calories, but Revelia thinks you’ll see diminishing returns here. His advice is to offer a “diet break” instead: when your basal metabolic rate drops, temporarily increase the number of calories you eat and increase energy expenditure through exercise.

He says, “Even though most people want to push forward to reach the goal, the results I see for people who take these diet breaks are life changing because when we reach our target weight, we follow a been dieting so hard for so long that we’re in the mood… my competitors are falling into the weight phase and can actually stay there with their calories close to what they were before the diet started.

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