A first: powerful solar flare captured by a probe

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Friday, February 18, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. – For the first time, a powerful solar flare has been immortalized. The Solar Orbiter probe captured our entire star ejecting ionized matter at considerable distances.


Powerful blowout

Solar flares are frequent and of variable power. Ionized material is blasted into space hundreds of thousands of miles from our star’s atmosphere. This Tuesday, February 15, the European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter probe captured an intense coronal mass ejection. It was thrown millions of miles.

No damage

This massive eruption might have caused damage to Earth’s infrastructure, but it happened on the far side of the Sun. The particles were therefore not ejected towards the Earth. This is the first time that such a powerful solar flare has been captured in a single image showing our star in its entirety.

Source : THIS

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