A few things to keep in mind for a healthy heart!

Heart health is very important. It is said that the mind of man is the heart. Therefore, when we experience mental difficulties, it mostly affects our heart. A healthy heart is important for overall good health.

Following a healthy lifestyle can prevent heart diseases. Eating a balanced diet also helps in keeping the heart healthy. Let’s see what are some things we should pay attention to for a healthy heart.

Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with high blood pressure, high blood fat, and risk of heart failure. Also, extra calories can cause weight gain. Smoking increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease and heart attack.

Smoking damages the lining of arteries. This leads to a buildup of fatty material that narrows the artery. It can cause angina, heart attack or stroke. Tobacco carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood. That means your heart has to pump harder to supply the body with the oxygen it needs.

Stress can affect your heart health. Stress can lead to increased blood pressure, overeating, less exercise, and more smoking, thereby increasing the risk of heart problems. Managing stress is beneficial for overall health.

Lack of exercise can lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks and other heart problems. The simplest and most positive change you can make to effectively improve your overall health is to exercise. A brisk walk of 30-40 minutes daily can help in weight loss.

Read Also:- Some diseases that are more likely in men over 40!

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Too much salt in the diet causes high blood pressure. It causes heart attack and heart failure. Eating too much salt causes the body to retain more water. It worsens the fluid buildup associated with heart failure.

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