A female walrus visiting the Curonian Spit caused a commotion in southern Finland

Photo: Alexander Podgorchuk / Klops archive

A female walrus visiting the Curonian Spit caused a stir in southern Finland. The Finnish mass media on Tuesday 19 July.

Near the town of Suulisniemi, the animal became entangled in the nets of a local fisherman. Antero Halonen said that when he tried to free the captive, the animal clung to the side of the boat with its tusks.

“The boat tilted and took on water, after which I fell into the water and took a swim for the first time in a summer,” Halonen said.

The man claims that after this attack he lost part of his equipment, and the damage amounted to 10 thousand euros.

On July 19, residents of Kotka discovered the walrus in their backyard. The sea guest lay on the lawn and basked in the rays of the sun. Almost the whole of Finland is already watching the fate of the traveler. People turned to the Helsinki Zoo with a request to help the animal. As the institution assured, the walrus needs rest, after which she will go to her natural habitat.

In order to assess the condition of the walrus that arrived on the Curonian Spit,

“The animal is old and severely emaciated”: zoologists assessed the condition of a walrus that sailed to the Curonian Spit (photo)

Experts believe that this is a female

“> convened a whole council. The staff of the National Park turned to the specialists for help.

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