A Dynamic Exchange: National Council Leaders Sobotka and Nussbaumer Unite in Dialogue

A Dynamic Exchange: National Council Leaders Sobotka and Nussbaumer Unite in Dialogue

2024-09-14 12:12:17

Vienna (OTS) –

National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka received his Swiss counterpart, National Council President Eric Nussbaumer, in Parliament today. In a conversation, they discussed the importance of democracy building in times of hybrid threats, but also Switzerland‘s relationship with the EU and the consequences of Hamas terror and the Russian war of aggression.

The influence of hybrid threats on decision-making processes and social discourse is increasingly a danger to the democratic system, explained National Council President Sobotka. Cyber ​​attacks and disinformation campaigns seriously endanger the stability and integrity of democratic processes. The Austrian Parliament has responded to this on several levels. For example, capacities in the area of ​​cyber security have been significantly strengthened. In addition, the Democracy Workshop offers a wide range of democracy education options. Nussbaumer asked Sobotka about the opening of the House of Representatives to the outside world since the renovation of the Parliament. The aim here was to offer visitors the opportunity to find out about the importance of democracy and parliamentary processes in a low-threshold manner, explained Sobotka. The offer has been very well received since it opened. Sobotka also pointed out the increasing importance of providing reliable information about the legislative process. This is ensured by the various information services provided by the Parliament administration.

Respect for international law and international humanitarian law are essential, stressed Sobotka with regard to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. The goal must be a comprehensive, just and lasting peace. With regard to the attack by the terrorist organization Hamas against Israel, Sobotka stressed that Austria was deeply shocked and stood by Israel in full solidarity. Austria and the EU supported Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas in accordance with international law. The release of all abducted hostages was the highest priority. The President of the National Council expressed concern that the conflict could lead to a further escalation in the region. (End) pst

A NOTICE: Photos of this visit can be found in the Parliament’s web portal .


#National #Council #President #Sobotka #discussion #Swiss #National #Council #President #Eric #Nussbaumer

‍How are Austria and Switzerland addressing the impact of hybrid threats on their‍ democratic processes?

Democracy in ⁢the Face ⁣of Hybrid Threats: A Conversation between Austria and Switzerland

In a significant diplomatic meeting, National ⁣Council President ⁢Wolfgang Sobotka ⁣of Austria received his Swiss counterpart, National Council President Eric Nussbaumer, at the Austrian Parliament on [date]. The two⁤ leaders engaged in a vital conversation that centered around the importance of democracy building‌ in times of hybrid threats, as well as Switzerland’s relationship with the European Union​ and the consequences of the Hamas terror‌ attacks and the Russian war⁣ of aggression.

Hybrid Threats: A Growing Concern for Democracy

Sobotka⁤ emphasized the increasing danger posed by hybrid threats to the democratic system, citing the devastating effects of cyber-attacks ⁣and​ disinformation campaigns on decision-making ⁤processes and social discourse. These threats, he warned, can seriously undermine the stability and integrity of democratic processes. In response to this growing concern, the Austrian Parliament has taken proactive measures to⁣ strengthen ⁤its cybersecurity capacities and provide comprehensive democracy education ⁣options through the Democracy Workshop.

Democracy ​Education and Transparency

Nussbaumer expressed interest in the Austrian Parliament’s efforts to open up to the outside world since its renovation. Sobotka explained that the goal was to offer visitors ⁢a chance to learn about the significance of⁣ democracy and parliamentary ‍processes in an accessible and engaging manner. The initiative has been well-received since its launch.⁤ Sobotka also highlighted the importance of providing reliable information about the legislative process,⁣ which is ensured by ‍the various‍ information⁢ services provided by the Parliament administration.

International Law and Humanitarian Crisis

The conversation also touched on the critical issues of international law and humanitarian crises. Sobotka stressed the need for respect for international law and international humanitarian law in the face of the Russian war of ⁤aggression against Ukraine. The ultimate goal, he ⁤emphasized, must be⁢ a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace. ⁢With regard to the attack by the terrorist organization Hamas against Israel, Sobotka expressed Austria’s⁤ deep shock and full ⁤solidarity with Israel. He reiterated Austria’s and the EU’s support for‍ Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas in accordance with international law, and called for the immediate release of all abducted hostages.

Cooperation⁣ and Solidarity in the⁢ Face of Adversity

The meeting between Sobotka and ‌Nussbaumer underscored the importance of cooperation and​ solidarity between nations in the face of growing global challenges. As hybrid threats continue to evolve and pose ​a danger to democratic systems, it is crucial for countries to come together ‍and​ share their experiences, expertise, and best practices in ‍order to build resilience and protect the integrity of democratic processes.

Strengthening ​Democracy:⁤ A Collective Responsibility

the conversation between Sobotka and Nussbaumer served as a ⁤powerful ‌reminder of the collective ‍responsibility we share in strengthening democracy​ and⁢ upholding the principles of international law and humanitarian norms.‌ As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, it is essential that we‌ remain vigilant, adapt to emerging threats, and work together to promote peace, stability, and prosperity⁢ for all.

Keywords: hybrid threats, democracy building, cybersecurity, disinformation campaigns, international ⁣law, humanitarian law, Russian war of aggression, ⁣Hamas terror attacks, Austria, Switzerland, National Council President, Wolfgang Sobotka, Eric Nussbaumer.

The Parliament to foster transparency and trust among citizens.

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article based on the provided text:

Democracy in the Face of Hybrid Threats: A Conversation between Austria and Switzerland

In a significant diplomatic meeting, National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka of Austria received his Swiss counterpart, National Council President Eric Nussbaumer, at the Austrian Parliament. The two leaders engaged in a vital conversation that centered around the importance of democracy building in times of hybrid threats, as well as Switzerland’s relationship with the European Union and the consequences of the Hamas terror attacks and the Russian war of aggression.

Hybrid Threats: A Growing Concern for Democracy

Sobotka emphasized the increasing danger posed by hybrid threats to the democratic system, citing the devastating effects of cyber-attacks and disinformation campaigns on decision-making processes and social discourse. These threats, he warned, can seriously undermine the stability and integrity of democratic processes. In response to this growing concern, the Austrian Parliament has taken proactive measures to strengthen its cybersecurity capacities and provide comprehensive democracy education options through the Democracy Workshop.

Democracy Education and Transparency

Nussbaumer expressed interest in the Austrian Parliament’s efforts to open up to the outside world since its renovation. Sobotka explained that the goal was to offer visitors a chance to learn about the significance of democracy and parliamentary processes in an accessible and engaging manner. The initiative has been well-received since its launch. Sobotka also highlighted the importance of providing reliable information about the legislative process, which is ensured by the various information services provided by



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