A driver asleep at the wheel of her Tesla on the highway

A Tesla driver appears to have fallen asleep while driving on I-15 in Southern California.

Vasiliki Dolas and his partner were in their own cars when they passed the white Tesla Thursday on Highway 15 near Temecula.

Dolas, who works in the entertainment industry, set to filming to document what she saw: a motionless female driver in sunglasses, her head tilted back and her mouth ajar.

In an interview that aired Monday on Fox KTVU, Dolas said she was driving home to Las Vegas when she and her partner spotted the Tesla speeding past them — with the driver’s eyes closed.

She then followed the car for 15 minutes, trying to get the driver’s attention before calling the police.

Dolas eventually called 911, fearing the driver was hurting someone.

California Highway Patrolman Mike Lassig told Fox KTVU his officers were unable to catch the driver.

So officers will never know if this driver was asleep, drunk, or had some kind of seizure that day.

No accidents have been reported involving a white Tesla.

He pointed out that even though Teslas have the Autopilot feature, it is illegal for drivers to be sleeping or unconscious while driving.

-With information from Fox KTVU

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