A double family tragedy: the father Roni Shakuri was killed in the attack, his daughter fell in the battle on October 7

One of the three police officers killed in the shooting attack north of Hebron is Major Roni Shakuri. Roni’s daughter, Major Mor Shakuri, was killed in the battle at the Sderot station on October 7. Roni will be laid to rest this evening at 18:15 in the military section of the cemetery in Sderot.

The attack took place near the entrance to the village of Idna, when terrorists opened fire on an Israeli vehicle. Many IDF forces searched the area for the terrorists, after a vehicle suspected of being the attackers’ vehicle was found abandoned. National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gabir arrived at the scene of the incident.

The late Major Mor Shakuri. Killed in the attack on the police station in Sderot on October 7, photo: no

Major Mor Shakuri (29), was killed at the beginning of the war months during the attack on the police station in Sderot. Mor’s sister, Sapir Shatrit (31), said at the time: “Moor was my BFF, my best friend. She always took care of me, was always by my side in the most difficult moments.”

The family, already dealing with the loss of their daughter Moore, now has to deal with another loss of the father, Ronnie.

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