“A different Argentina”: Maslatón accused Milei’s team of having copied De la Rúa’s campaign spots

2023-07-10 07:04:00

The liberal lawyer and financial analyst Carlos Maslatón accused the press team of the pre-candidate for president Javier Mileyfor La Libertad Avanza, if you have copied “exactly” the campaign spots of Fernando de la Rúa in 1999, the year in which he was elected.

Through his Twitter account, Maslatón shared a video that compares the first official campaign spot, made by the director Santiago Oria and released by Milei on Saturday morning, with various clips from the campaign carried out in 1999 by the La Ese agency, by Carlos Souto.

In the comparative video, there are similarities in the slogans that various exponents of La Libertad Avanza exclaim. “Let’s imagine a different Argentina”proposes Milei at the beginning, in the same tone as the radical president years ago. “I am going to be the president of a different Argentina”said de la Rúa.

The publication made by the lawyer on Twitter, where he denounces the press team of La Libertad Avanza

“A different Argentina”, they insist Carolina Píparo, Ramiro Marra y Bertie Benegas Lynch in the spot of La Libertad Avanza. One of the most remembered campaign promises today, pronounced in the nineties by Fernando de la Rúa is: “I am going to end this party for a few. A different Argentina is comingthe Argentina of respect, the Argentina of clear rules, the Argentina of dignity”.

Along the same lines, Píparo, the pre-candidate for governor of Buenos Aires, also proposes: “We can walk the streets without fear. Because which he makes pay”. For his part, the former president had pronounced in 1999: “Three things that I want to make clear regarding the coming Argentina: one, the one who does them, pays for them.”

Maslatón was part of La Libertad Avanza, but following the 2021 midterm elections, he distanced himself.

“Two, Argentina is going to grow. Three, with me the adjustment is made by politics and not by the people”, continued Fernando de la Rúa. In this sense, the official spot for La Libertad Avanza, launched on Saturday, also criticizes the political class. Ramiro Marra, candidate for Buenos Aires head of government, announced: “A different Argentina, without privileges for politicians.”

Javier Milei’s campaign video ends with the presidential candidate looking at the camera and stating: “That different Argentina is impossible with the same as always. Let’s put a full stop.”

Although Carlos Maslatón’s video does not postulate it, another similarity in the campaigns of the first Buenos Aires head of government and the current national deputy is the dollarization. “We have many plans to dollarize,” Marra said in Modo Fontevecchia last Friday. For his part, the Cordovan president, author of Corralito, gave continuity to the Menemista Austral Convertibility Law and already in his campaign promised: “With me, one peso, one dollar.”

Maslatón testified once morest Milei for the sale of candidacies

Carlos Maslatón went on Friday the 7th to testify as a witness in the Preliminary investigation for the alleged sale of candidacies in La Libertad Avanza. In front of the federal prosecutor with electoral competence Ramiro Gonzalezthe media lawyer confirmed the existence of a “political franchise”, provided cases and said that “We are looking for people with taxable capacity, not suitability”.

The former member of Milei’s party reviewed his political career, told how he arrived at La Libertad Avanza and his departure from space, following the well-known differences in criteria that occurred following the 2021 midterm elections.

The day that Carlos Maslatón denounced in PROFILE that Javier Milei sold candidacies for 100 thousand dollars

Then he returned to the axis of the summons. “I have a high social profile in social networks and people comment to me. Those who know me bring me complaints or things that bother them, so I find out regarding things. Information regarding the methodology to incorporate the lists comes to me from different sides, from people who do not know each other, “he explained before the Justice, what he had already said in PROFILE in an interview in June.

Along these lines, Maslatón identified the recipients of the money contributions and said: “It ranges from the candidates to the environment, the sister or the operators that I mentioned.” He named Karina Milei, the national shipowner Carlos Kikuchi and the manager of the province of Buenos Aires, Sebastián Pareja.

Finally, Carlos Maslatón clarified: “They are all movements in hand, there is nothing banked“.


#Argentina #Maslatón #accused #Mileis #team #copied #Rúas #campaign #spots



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