A Deep Dive into the Lasting Impact of Suzanne Treister’s ‘Puits’ Inauguration: Two Years Later

Two years ago today, the London artist Suzanne Treister inaugurated his new work of art entitled “Le Puits / Bibliothèque sur la technique” in Bordeaux, in the Parc aux Angéliques. Reminiscent of the pavilions of yesteryear and Bordeaux architecture, the work is a contemporary copy of the Belvedere of the Petit Trianon in Versailles.

Painted in bright green, this work immediately catches the eye and invites reflection on water resource management and the challenges associated with flooding.

The installation, which is part of Bordeaux Métropole‘s public art program, echoes Jacques Ellul’s reflection on dependence on technology.

>Find all our archives on Suzanne Treister in our search engine

“The Ships of Bordeaux”: a visionary triptych

Photo of Suzanne Treister’s “Flying Saucer”, taken on May 31, 2018 in Bordeaux at the floating docks.

South West Archives / Guillaume Bonnaud

This work closes Suzanne Treister’s triptych “The Ships of Bordeaux”a public art commission from Bordeaux Métropole. The triptych includes “The Observatory / Science Fiction Library”, located in the dome of the Grand Équatorial of the Floirac Observatory since 2017, which addresses future technologies and questions the concepts of utopia and dystopia through science fiction literature. Another piece, “The Spaceship”, is a sculpture installed in 2018 at the Bassins à flot, which symbolizes the metamorphosis of a shipwreck into a spaceship, evoking transformation and innovation. And the final project, the “Well / Library on technology” through which the artist wishes to raise awareness of the power of the river and the importance of water.

When art disturbs

“I sincerely hope that the fear that this is a ‘Nazi’ project can be dispelled. That is definitely not my intention, and I am horrified that it could be interpreted in this way.”

Despite the artistic scope of these works, the triptych has caused tensions with local residents. In 2020, fourteen of the sixteen owners of the Rives de Garonne 1 residence hired a lawyer to protest the location of the work, which obstructed their view of the Garonne. Unfortunately for them, even when challenged before the Bordeaux administrative court, the work was not rejected. These residents regret that the work was moved to the Parc des Angéliques, opposite their building, when it was initially supposed to be installed on Quai Louis-XVIII, a location that would not have bothered anyone.

Nadine Roux, Patricia and Michel Gourion were contemplating the view of the Garonne before the arrival of the “Puits”.

Nadine Roux, Patricia and Michel Gourion were contemplating the view of the Garonne before the arrival of the “Puits”.

South West Archives

This is not the first time that a work by Suzanne Treister has triggered reactions. In 2018, “The Spaceship”, nicknamed “the flying saucer” by the people of Bordeaux, had also caused debate.

In Bordeaux on June 8, 2018, opponents of Suzanne Treister's spaceship demonstrate during its inauguration.

In Bordeaux on June 8, 2018, opponents of Suzanne Treister’s spaceship demonstrate during its inauguration.

South West Archives

Installed at the Bassins à flot, this 15-metre diameter steel sculpture, inspired by a wreck from the Second World War, had divided public opinion, sparking criticism and questions about its integration into the urban space.

On the same subject

Bordeaux: Suzanne Treister defends her spaceship

Bordeaux: Suzanne Treister defends her spaceship

The sculpture by the London artist that is to take place at the Bassins à flot is violently contested by a residents’ association. Suzanne Treister, who today refuses to comment on the subject, gave us an interview in November 2015 on what was still called “Vril”

Bordeaux associations, particularly those of Bacalan residents, pointed the finger at Suzanne Treister, whom they accused of having created a work that, according to them, made reference to Nazism. “I sincerely hope that we can dispel the fear that this is a “Nazi” project. That is really not my intention, and I am horrified that it could be interpreted in this way,” explained the artist in an interview with “Sud Ouest” in November 2015.

What themes does Suzanne ‌Treister explore in her installation “Le Puits​ / Bibliothèque sur la ‌technique”?

Unveiling the Visionary Art of Suzanne Treister: “Le Puits /⁤ Bibliothèque sur la technique”⁤ and “The Ships of Bordeaux”

Two years ago, on a significant day in September, the renowned London‌ artist Suzanne Treister inaugurated her thought-provoking installation, “Le Puits⁣ / Bibliothèque sur la​ technique” (The⁢ Well / Library on Technology), in the picturesque Parc aux Angéliques, Bordeaux. This striking artwork is a​ contemporary adaptation of the⁣ Belvedere of the Petit⁢ Trianon in Versailles, showcasing Treister’s unique blend of ⁣art, technology,​ and social commentary.

A Bright‌ Green Beacon: Raising Awareness about Water Resource Management

Painted​ in a vibrant, eye-catching green, “Le Puits / Bibliothèque sur la technique” commands attention and sparks reflection on the critical issues of water resource management and flooding. This installation,⁢ part of Bordeaux Métropole’s ⁢public ‍art program, echoes Jacques Ellul’s philosophical thoughts on our⁤ collective dependence on technology. By creating a⁣ visually striking and thought-provoking piece, Treister encourages viewers to ⁣contemplate the importance of ‌responsible water management and its impact on our environment.

“The Ships of Bordeaux”: ⁣A Visionary Triptych

“Le Puits / Bibliothèque sur la technique” is the final component of Treister’s visionary ​triptych, “The ‌Ships⁢ of Bordeaux”, a public art commission from Bordeaux Métropole. This trilogy of artworks explores ⁢themes of technology, ⁢innovation, ⁣and ‍transformation, inviting viewers to ponder the boundaries between utopia‍ and dystopia.

The Triptych‌ Components:

  1. “The Observatory ⁣/ ​Science⁣ Fiction⁢ Library”: ⁣Located in the dome of the ‍Grand Équatorial of the Floirac Observatory since ⁣2017, this installation⁢ delves into the realm of science fiction literature, exploring future technologies and the blurred lines between utopia⁢ and dystopia.
  2. “The ⁤Spaceship”: ​This‌ sculpture, installed in 2018 at the ⁣Bassins à flot, symbolizes the metamorphosis of a shipwreck into a ⁢spaceship, evoking⁣ transformation, innovation, and the power of human ingenuity.
  3. “Le Puits / Bibliothèque ‍sur la technique”: ⁢The final piece, “Le Puits ‍/ Bibliothèque sur⁢ la technique”, addresses the significance‌ of water resource management,⁣ inviting viewers to reflect on our relationship with⁣ technology and the natural world.

Suzanne Treister: A Pioneering Artist

Suzanne⁢ Treister’s work often combines ⁢art, technology, and‌ social commentary, earning ⁤her recognition as a pioneering artist​ in the field⁣ of digital art. Her artistic vision is deeply rooted in‌ exploring the intersection of technology, politics, and human experience.


“Le⁢ Puits / Bibliothèque sur la technique” and “The Ships of Bordeaux” triptych are testaments to Suzanne Treister’s innovative spirit and her ability⁣ to⁢ spark meaningful conversations about the ⁣role of technology in our lives. As we reflect on the importance of ‌responsible water⁢ management and the impact of flooding, Treister’s work reminds us of ‍the significance of art in shaping our understanding ⁤of the world ⁤around⁣ us.

Related Archives

<a href="https://archives.sudouest.fr/search/?query=+%22Suzanne+Treister%22&pagenumber=&publicationdatefrom=01%2F01%2F1944&publicationdate_to=13%2F09%2F2024&sort=score&page=1″>Find all⁤ our⁣ archives on Suzanne Treister in our search engine

Image⁤ Credit

Photo of Suzanne Treister’s “Flying Saucer”, taken on May 31, 2018,‌ in Bordeaux at the floating docks. (South West Archives / Guillaume ‍Bonnaud)

External Links

* Bordeaux Métropole’s public art program

Optimized Keywords: Suzanne Treister, ⁤Le Puits⁤ / Bibliothèque‌ sur la technique, The Ships of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Métropole, public ​art, water ​resource management, flooding, technology, innovation, transformation,​ utopia, dystopia, science fiction, art ‍and technology.

What themes are explored in Suzanne Treister’s “The Ships of Bordeaux”?

The Visionary Art of Suzanne Treister: “The Ships of Bordeaux” and the Power of Disturbing Art

Two years ago, the London-based artist Suzanne Treister inaugurated her latest work of art, “Le Puits / Bibli



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