a decisive step in the path of supportive care in the Basque Country

The Center hospitalier de la Côte basque in Bayonne and the Annie Enia center in Cambo combine their know-how to improve cancer care in the Basque Country

The Basque Country is acquiring two new tools that will improve the daily life of cancer patients: the day hospital for supportive oncology care and the recovery route following cancer. “The management of cancer does not end with the treatment of the disease alone. This pathology requires a global approach, it is the role of supportive care. A patient may need management during their remission. This is what our establishments in the Basque Country offer ”, explain the managers of the Center hospitalier de la Côte Basque and the Annie Enia center in Cambo.

The first one opened just a year ago at the CHCB with the aim of “offering a comprehensive and personalized course together with specific treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery)”. It works with a full-time doctor and two nurses whose mission is to coordinate the patient’s care path. Support for pain, diet, psychological, social, family, professional, addictions, aesthetics or physical activities are part of the missions of the day hospital teams. Almost 400 patients attended it during the year 2021.

Three axes

This year, the offer of support is extended to the course of recovery following cancer. The Annie Enia de Cambo medical center supplements the services of the CHCB with the care of patients in the remission phase. “Some express physical, psychological or other difficulties at the end of the treatments, the return to everyday life is not always obvious”, note the health professionals of the two establishments.

This course is oriented in three directions: psychological support, dietary assessment and monitoring and adapted physical activity. “In agreement with the oncologist or the attending physician, the patient chooses one or the other of the establishments, an assessment is systematically proposed, and access to this sector is fully supported”, they add.



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