A Dazzling Night of Glamour: The Premiere of Kompani Svan Captivates All

“I’m really panicking”

It is once again time for ten famous Swedes to enroll as recruits in “Kompani Svan”. But what do the recruits really think about the new challenge they have taken on?

Today is the premiere for Company Swan where ten famous Swedes are enrolled as recruits. They enlist to be trained by the Swedish military at boot camp, and then a will of steel is required. Their journey begins with tough tests to show major Gunde Swan and captain Mikael Thornwing what they go for.

– I don’t think I’ve understood what this really is, it’s real, every thing is real, says the artist Reneida Braunwho is one of the ten recruits.

READ ALSO: Gunde Svan‘s nice words about the participants in Kompani Svan: “So impressed”

Renaida Brown. Photo: Channel 5 / Max. Julia Franzén. Photo: Channel 5 / Max.

“Becomes like a theater”

There is no doubt that it will be tough for the recruits i Company Swan and some hardly know what they have gotten themselves into. In the premiere, the ten Swedish celebrities get to swim in cold water, take various physical tests, undergo an aptitude test and get their pack right.

– So it feels terrible. The group. Hello! One says “I’ve been in Robinson and made it to finals week”, the other “I won Robinson”. Why am I here? The others are elite people. I get heart palpitations every two seconds, says artist Renaida.

Julia Franzen is also one of the recruits who is a little shocked by the treatment of the military.

– God, how unpleasant. Do you want to walk around being that tough and determined all day? That’s what I think. Then it’s also a bit difficult to keep from laughing, I think it’s like a theatre, says Julia.

READ ALSO: Crazy premiere week on Max and Kanal 5

Photo: Kanal 5 / Max. Özz Nujen. Photo: Kanal 5 / Max.

“I don’t know if I can handle this”

The recruits’ first challenge is to swim from the boat to Major Gunde Svan and Captain Mikael Tornving on land.

– This doesn’t feel good, it’s crazy. It’s eight degrees in the water, what are you doing? I don’t know if I can handle this. I’m really panicking now. Right now I’m not so excited, it’s too much water and I have a bit of a problem when you don’t know what’s going on down there, says the comedian Özz Nujen.

Although there is confusion among some recruits as to why they are at Kompani Svan, many of them impress!

“Kompani Svan” premieres today, September 2, at 21.00 on Kanal 5 and Max.

READ ALSO: The Swedes love the horror film Max, which the critics hate

Here are‌ some People Also Ask ‍(PAA) questions ​related to the title “I’m Really ‌Panicking”: Ten Famous Swedes Enroll in “Kompani Svan” Boot Camp”:

“I’m Really Panicking”: Ten Famous Swedes⁢ Enroll in “Kompani Svan” Boot⁤ Camp

Today marks the premiere‍ of “Kompani Svan,” a ‍reality TV show where⁢ ten famous Swedes have enrolled as recruits to⁢ be trained by the Swedish military at boot⁢ camp. The show promises to push the recruits‌ to their limits, requiring a will of steel to overcome the⁤ tough challenges that lie ahead.

The ten recruits,⁤ including ⁣artist ​Renaida Braun, influencer ⁣Julia Franzén, and others, have embarked on a journey that will test‌ their physical and mental⁤ strength.⁤ In‌ the premiere,‌ they⁢ face a series of tough tests, including swimming ‍in⁣ cold water,⁤ physical exams, and aptitude tests.

Renaida Braun, one of the recruits,⁢ expressed her concerns about the challenge, saying, “I don’t think I’ve understood what this really is, ‍it’s real, ‌every thing is real.” [[1]]She further added, “So it⁢ feels⁤ terrible. The group. Hello! One says⁤ ‘I’ve been in Robinson ​and made it to ‍finals ⁣week’, the ⁣other‌ ‘I⁢ won⁣ Robinson’. Why am I‍ here? The others are elite⁢ people. I get heart palpitations​ every two seconds.”

Julia Franzén, another recruit, shared her thoughts on the experience, saying, “God,‌ how unpleasant. Do you want to walk around ‍being that tough and‍ determined all day? That’s what ‌I think. Then it’s⁣ also a bit difficult‌ to keep from laughing, I think it’s like a theatre.” [[3]]

The recruits’ ​first challenge is⁣ to swim from a boat to Major Gunde ⁣Svan and Captain‍ Mikael Tornving on land. Renaida Braun expressed her doubts about completing ⁢the task, saying, “This doesn’t ‍feel good, it’s crazy. It’s eight‌ degrees in the water, what are you ⁣doing? I don’t know if​ I can handle‍ this.”

The Participants ​of‌ “Kompani Svan” Season 3

The⁣ show features a diverse cast of famous Swedes, including:

⁣ Renaida Braun ‌- Artist

Julia Franzén – Influencer and TV ⁢personality

Alexandra Zazzi – (no bio available)

Sebastian Tadros – (no bio available)

And others.

The show premieres ‌on Kanal 5 and‌ Max on Monday, September 2, 2024. Don’t miss out on the⁣ excitement and drama as these famous Swedes take on⁣ the ultimate challenge.

READ ALSO: Gunde Svan’s nice words about the participants in Kompani Svan: ‍”So ⁤impressed”​ [[2]]

READ ALSO: Crazy premiere ‍week on Max and Kanal ⁣5 [[3]]





Here’s a People Also Ask (PAA) question related to the title “I’m Really Panicking: Ten Famous Swedes Enroll in ‘Kompani Svan’ Boot Camp”:

I’m Really Panicking: Ten Famous Swedes Enroll in “Kompani Svan” Boot Camp

As the premiere of “Kompani Svan” approaches, ten famous Swedes are gearing up to take on the ultimate challenge: boot camp training with the Swedish military. But what do the recruits really think about the new challenge they have taken on?

“I’m Really Panicking”

Artist Renaida Braun, one of the ten recruits, admits to feeling overwhelmed by the reality of the situation. “I don’t think I’ve understood what this really is, it’s real, every thing is real,” she says. It’s clear that the transition from celebrity life to military training is a daunting one.

“Becomes Like a Theater”

For Julia Franzen, another recruit, the experience is a bit surreal. “God, how unpleasant. Do you want to walk around being that tough and determined all day? That’s what I think. Then it’s also a bit difficult to keep from laughing, I think it’s like a theatre,” she remarks. It’s clear that the recruits are struggling to adjust to the military’s strict regime.

The Challenges Ahead

The recruits will face tough physical tests, aptitude tests, and other challenges as they undergo training. But it’s clear that the mental game is just as important. Renaida Braun confesses to feeling intimidated by her fellow recruits, who have impressive backgrounds in physical challenges like Robinson. “Why am I here? The others are elite people. I get heart palpitations every two seconds,” she says.

Here Are Some People Also Ask (PAA) Questions Related to the Title “I’m Really Panicking”: Ten Famous Swedes Enroll in “Kompani Svan” Boot Camp

What is Kompani Svan?

+ Kompani Svan is a Swedish reality TV show where ten famous Swedes enroll as recruits in a boot camp-style training program with the Swedish military. [[3]]

Who is Gunde Svan?

+ Gunde Svan is a Swedish former cross-country skier and Olympic medalist. He is featured in Kompani Svan as a major. [[1]]

What is Open Doors Organization?

+ Open Doors Organization is not related to Kompani Svan. Instead, it is a company that handles service dog paperwork, as mentioned in a Reddit thread. [[1]]

Who is Yasmine Svan?

+ Yasmine Svan is a sustainability analyst at LGIM, not related to Kompani Svan or Gunde Svan. [[2]]

the recruits of Kompani Svan are in for a wild ride as they navigate the challenges of boot camp training with the Swedish military. With their celebrity backgrounds and lack of military experience, it’s clear that they will face mental and physical hurdles. But will they be able to overcome their fears and doubts to complete the program? Only time will tell.



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