A day of reflection for women

It was a time filled with prayer, conferences, testimonies and conversations. The day began with a blessing given by Fr. Jan Uchwat, parish priest. – I encourage you to open yourself to what God will say to you today through other people. Because such listening, meeting and sharing is very valuable. Thank you for your presence and I invite you to experience this time well – said the parish priest.

The topics discussed during the day of reflection were: “What does a woman dream about?” and “What does God dream of for a woman?” Both thoughts were developed during the conference by Sr. Urszula Kłusek SAC. – The topic of our meeting is not accidental, so that we can think together about the dreams that lie dormant in our hearts. However, let’s try to do it the way Saint did it. Therese of the Child Jesus. She said that if dreams are born in a person, it means that they were first born in God, and that it was God who placed them in the human heart. That’s why we can dream about something so much, desire something so much. And this is actually the case, because everything good in my life comes from God, said Sister Urszula.

Beginning of a day of recollection for women in Zaspa, Gdańsk

Justyna Liptak /Foto Guest

Each conference was complemented by testimonies listened to by the participants. Among them was Agnieszka, who traveled over 400 km to reach Gdańsk. – Where I currently live, there are no such meetings, but I really like this formula – a day of reflection intended only for women – she says. She honestly admits that this opportunity to spend time, talk to other women and share their experiences gives great strength. – I’m divorced. My husband left me with two children in a rented apartment. It was very difficult and if it weren’t for the fact that I had wonderful people around me, I wouldn’t have made it, she recalls. She says that after her divorce, she prayed many times to meet a man who would love her as she was. – I remember going to church in the evenings and praying. I also went for walks and told God that it could be someone even from beyond the mountains and forests – she smiles.

– God listened to me because I met a wonderful man who also had difficult relationship experiences. I decided to start the process for declaring the invalidity of the marriage, which ended positively for me. I admit that I am very happy because I know that God has led me this way. He put my current husband in my path – he gave us great happiness that we enjoy every day – she admits.

The central point of the meeting was the Holy Mass presided over by Bishop Wiesław Szlachetka. – The Holy Scripture testifies that after original sin, interpersonal relationships were disrupted, including those between men and women. As a result of this mystery of iniquity that penetrated human life, the male world tried to subjugate women, thereby diminishing her dignity, said the hierarch.

Fragment of the conference by Sister Urszula Kłusek

Justyna Liptak /Foto Guest

– This is evidenced by numerous examples also recorded in the Bible, which in the light of God’s Word are always assessed as negative. Only Jesus fully restored woman’s due dignity, reminding us of what existed at the beginning of creation, that both women and men have the same dignity and the same rights – he emphasized.

He added that the Gospel of Jesus’ actions and words is a consistent opposition to everything that derogates the dignity of a woman. – That is why those women who are close to Christ find themselves in the truth that He teaches and does. Their social position changes in their closeness to Christ. Jesus talks to them about things that were not discussed with a woman at that time. He talks about salvation. He raises them to the dignity of his disciples. An example of this is the conversation with the Samaritan woman, the praise of the faith of the Canaanite woman, or the exposure of the attitudes of Mary and Martha in the painting of his disciple. And earlier, Jesus himself, while still a child, showed deep respect and obedience to his Mother – said Bishop Szlachetka.

– The New Testament testifies that women were not only listeners of the Gospel, but also accompanied Jesus and the apostles on their journey. They included: Mary, called Magdalene, who was abandoned by seven evil spirits, Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward; Susanna and many others – as Saint points out. Luke. Women are also the first witnesses of Jesus’ empty tomb. In this way, the custom of denying the credibility of a woman’s testimony was broken, and Mary Magdalene, to whom the Risen Lord appeared first, is called the Apostle of the Apostles. It was Jesus who introduced women first to the most important witness – the witness of resurrection – the hierarch reminded.

A day of reflection for women

Justyna Liptak /Foto Guest

– Women are also present in the genealogy of Jesus, and in the nascent Church, many women performed evangelistic, ministerial and charismatic tasks. In local churches they served as catechists, prophetesses and deaconesses. Women have talent that men do not have. This is the talent of femininity.

– The world needs a woman’s heart, its sensitivity and wisdom. Especially today, when heartlessness and egoism are creeping in on a large scale, and liberal feminism and gender ideology are trying to distort the concepts of gender, marriage and family. And the last Olympics made the sad announcement that men dressing as women could eliminate women from sports. May the Holy Spirit help you discover the wealth of femininity talent, in which there is hope for the world – concluded the hierarch.



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