A dark night in the history of the “Boulevard”… Riots, chaos and fainting – Morocco Local and World News | Jewish news from Morocco, latest news | מרוקו ג׳וייש טיימס, חדשות מרוקו והעולם | Morocco News

The city of Casablanca experienced what was described as a ‘black night’ following a state of chaos and rioting among supporters attending the second week of the Boulevard at the University race stadium, a loud musical event , which caused a temporary cessation of its activities.

The “boulevard” festival, which celebrates rock and rap music and is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, has grown from a group of parties hailed by rapper Taha Fehssi, known by “Toto”, Morphine ” and “Dolibran”, to a war arena, because of the riots of the masses who fought among themselves in which sticks and edged weapons were used, which caused a state of jostling and fainting, as well than acts of theft and violence among the masses.

According to a number of videos and photos, rapidly circulating on social media sites, tens of thousands of fans, mostly teenagers, made a pilgrimage to the “RUC” stadium in central Casablanca, in order to follow Moroccan rap stars, but a large crowd of people gathered inside the stadium’s enclosed space caused chaos and fainting among fans.

Moreover, this “chaotic” situation caused the festival organizers to suspend the musical program for the night, until the fans descended from the bleachers and the corridors leading to where the artists were; while informed sources revealed that the organizers were confused and surprised by the large number of participants which exceeded their expectations, because despite the heavy presence of private security men, they were unable to besiege and control the big crowd.

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