A dangerous friend with a “knife in the back”. The star who forever quarreled with the “traitor” Malakhov – RuNews24.ru

As noted by Malakhov, his work exemplified the highest standards of journalism. He is credited with introducing the talk show format to Russian television. Valery Komisarov attempted to challenge him, but it became evident that they were the pioneers of the scandal-based talk show genre, reveling in revealing the sordid stories of both ordinary people and celebrities. The latter were often friends of the TV host, yet he showed no remorse in airing their issues on his program.

The unfolding events prompted a backlash from the celebrities, who were quick to defend their honor in court. Malakhov had maintained a good relationship with Yana Rudkovskaya, but their friendship soured and resulted in a criminal case. The spark for this conflict stemmed from an article published by StarHit, a magazine for which Malakhov served as editor-in-chief, alleging that Yana’s son with producer and figure skater Evgeni Plushenko (known as Gnome Gnomych) had a mental handicap.

Andrei Malakhov and the Dwarf Nomić

Yana was taken aback, as Andrei had previously spent time with the child, treated him like family, showered him with gifts, and then allowed such damaging information to be published about him. Initially, Yana contacted Malakhov’s wife, Natalya Shkuleva—who managed the magazine—but received no response. Attempts to reach Malakhov by phone were also futile.

During this time, Yana’s friends began reaching out to express their sympathy regarding the child’s situation, but Yana insisted that the claims about her son’s mental disability were unfounded. The following day, Malakhov reached out to apologize, yet it took a week before he finally complied with her request to remove the article.

Natalia Shkuleva, Yana Rudkovskaya, and Andrei Malakhov

Following this, Rudkovskaya decided to pursue legal action, resulting in a successful criminal case that ultimately ruled in her favor. Consequently, Malakhov faced repercussions for defamation.

“Our child passed all medical examinations to prevent anyone from spreading lies about his health… I have erased Malakhov from my life!” Yana declared.

Malakhov stated that no mention of Rudkovskaya and Plushenko’s families occurred within their circles, and after the criminal charges against his wife, reconciliation was deemed impossible. Yana agreed, asserting that “there is no friendship anymore,” as she is unwilling to forgive anyone for the tears shed by her children.

Another scandal erupted when Malakhov learned that Sergey Grushko had cheated on Natasha Koroleva. The singer had trusted the journalist, not anticipating betrayal, particularly as Andrei had promised not to exploit her family troubles for a show. However, the outcome was quite the opposite.

Natasha Koroleva and Andrei Malakhov

Natasha first revealed that jewelry valued at five million dollars had gone missing from her home, suspecting a woman who had visited her husband the day prior. Shortly thereafter, up-and-coming actress Anastasia Shulzhenko claimed to have had a close relationship with Grushko, the performer of “Yellow Tulips.”

Tarzan publicly confessed in a video on social media but deleted it a few hours later. Subsequently, the queen declared that Grushko was set up and that, despite everything, she forgave him. According to her account, her husband became embroiled in the scandal “out of stupidity.”

Sergei Grushko (Tarzan) and Natasha Koroleva

At this juncture, Shulzhenko seized the opportunity to appear on various talk shows, announcing her pregnancy with Grushko’s child. However, she was later unveiled as a fraud when it was disclosed that she was not actually expecting. Subsequently, she appeared on Malakhov’s show, “Let Them Talk.”

It became clear that she was no stranger to playing the role of a dramatic heroine, having acted in many TV series and having had prior experiences. After the entire episode settled, the queen ceased all communication with Malakhov.

Natasha Koroleva and Andrei Malakhov

“I don’t like being stabbed in the back. I am also against being shot at close range… Fear your friends; enemies don’t betray,” the singer remarked on social media, referencing the geographical location of VGTRK.

Public figure Vadim Manukyan believes that Malakhov prioritizes ratings and financial gain over his long-standing friendship with the queen. Furthermore, the journalist once invited another friend, Ilya Reznik, onto his show. According to the poet, the host promised that there would be no provocations during the episode and that it would be presented in a strictly positive light. However, the reality was starkly different.

Ilya Reznik and Andrei Malakhov

As a result, Reznik was publicly disparaged, leading to a tarnished reputation. After the broadcast, the songwriter faced health issues and suffered a heart attack. Ilya Rachmirevich spent a significant amount of time recuperating and was largely reclusive afterward.

Online commentators expressed sympathy for the journalist’s friends, noting a shift in their perceptions of Malakhov. The comments maintained the original spelling and punctuation of the authors.

“I remember the show with Reznik; it was terrible! It was simply an attempt to give the ex-wife a chance to retain her perks. And that son, at his age, is still looking for himself and refuses to work. After that show, I developed a dislike and aversion towards Malakhov. Regarding Plushenko’s son, the most crucial thing is that Reznik is at least an adult,” Irina observed;

“Show business))) They are all deserving of each other))) Without scandals and dirty dealings among one another, this industry would not exist,” remarked Mila B.;

“Malakhov interviewed Gurchenko. It was filled with pleasantries. There was a conflict between Gurchenko and Moiseev. Gurchenko flatly refused to discuss it. Malakhov ‘convinced’ him, but the camera was off! He pretended to switch everything off, then filmed everything and made it public. As her husband stated following her death, Lucy had many issues, including Malakhov’s betrayal, which left him deeply saddened,” Elena recounted.

Perhaps Malakhov’s career as a journalist has influenced his character. Maybe numerous scandals have inadvertently become effective public relations for stars, as anything can occur in showbiz. Consequently, we may soon witness a reconciliation between the journalist and his former friend. What are your thoughts?

author: Yevgeniya Alexandrova

Andrei Malakhov: A Controversial Figure in Russian Journalism

As one of Russia’s most prominent television personalities, Andrei Malakhov has redefined the landscape of Russian journalism. Often hailed for his high standards, he is credited with introducing the talk show format to Russian television. However, alongside his acclaim, Malakhov has also faced considerable backlash for his approach towards celebrity scandals, straddling the delicate line between public interest and sensationalism.

The Birth of Scandal Journalism

Andrei Malakhov, in collaboration with Valery Komisarov, established a new era of scandal-driven television that captivated audiences across Russia. Their shows delved into the tumultuous lives of both ordinary citizens and local celebrities, uncovering issues and controversies that some would argue should remain private. Malakhov’s fascination with the darker side of fame has often resulted in discomfort among his celebrity friends, leading to explosive confrontations and legal battles.

Defamation and Celebrity Backlash

One of the most significant controversies surrounding Malakhov involved a defamation case initiated by Yana Rudkovskaya, a prominent figure in the Russian entertainment industry. The trouble began when the publication StarHit, under Malakhov’s editorship, featured an article that reported on the personal struggles of her son with Evgeni Plushenko, alleging mental disabilities.

Rudkovskaya, who had previously enjoyed a close relationship with Malakhov, found herself thrust into a public battle against the very journalist she once considered a friend. The fallout led to strained relationships, and despite Malakhov’s eventual retraction of the article, the damage was done. Rudkovskaya stated:

“Our child passed all medical examinations so that no one could write bad things about our son’s health… I have erased Malakhov from my life!”

Trust Betrayed: The Natasha Koroleva Scandal

Another notorious incident involved pop singer Natasha Koroleva, who felt utterly betrayed when Malakhov aired a scandal surrounding her husband, Sergey Grushko, known as Tarzan. The couple’s private troubles became public fodder as Malakhov facilitated discussions regarding Grushko’s alleged infidelities. Koroleva had trusted Malakhov to keep her family matters out of the spotlight, but what followed was a media frenzy that ultimately drove a wedge between them.

Koroleva’s reaction to the scandal was swift, and she took to social media to voice her disappointment.

“I don’t like being shot in the back. I am also against shooting at close range … Be afraid of friends. Enemies don’t betray,”

The Ethics of Journalism in the Spotlight

Malakhov’s approach to journalism raises fundamental questions about ethics in media. Is it ever acceptable to pry into the private lives of celebrities, even if they are in the public eye? The line between responsible journalism and sensationalism has been blurred, and many argue that Malakhov represents a trend where ratings and viewership take precedence over integrity.

Celebrity Reactions and Public Sentiment

Public figures like Vadim Manukyan have criticized Malakhov, suggesting that his willingness to exploit the intimate troubles of others for personal gain reflects poorly on his character. The emotional impact on the guests of the show has been profound. Ilya Reznik, a well-respected poet, found himself the subject of significant ridicule and backlash after a highly publicized appearance on Malakhov’s show.

After the episode aired, Reznik suffered a heart attack, attributed to the stress of being publicly shamed. This prompted viewers to reevaluate their feelings toward Malakhov, leading to a shift in public perception about his motives:

“I remember the show with Reznik, it was terrible! It was simply an attempt to benefit the ex-wife, who did not want to lose the trough. And this son, at this age, is still searching for himself and does not want to work,” noted one viewer.

Exploring the Price of Fame

For many in the public eye, the responsibility of managing their private lives becomes overwhelming in the face of constant scrutiny. The sensationalism surrounding Malakhov’s shows reinforces a cycle where celebrities feel compelled to protect themselves and their families at any cost. With scandals often dominating headlines, the very nature of entertainment journalism is in question.

Strategies for Navigating Celebrity Scrutiny

As celebrities contend with the fallout from their public lives, they often employ various strategies to reclaim their narratives:

  • Public Statements: Celebrities like Koroleva and Rudkovskaya often take to social media to voice their grievances, seeking to set the record straight and rally public support.
  • Legal Action: As seen in Rudkovskaya’s case, legal recourse is a powerful tool for protecting one’s reputation and holding media outlets accountable for misinformation.
  • Controlled Exposure: Many celebrities choose to manage their image more actively, providing selective insights into their lives through personal platforms to counteract sensationalist narratives.

Future Outlook: Will Malakhov Change His Approach?

As the dynamics of celebrity culture continue to evolve, the question remains: will Andrei Malakhov adapt his approach to entertainment journalism? Challenges to his methods may arise as audiences grow increasingly aware of the ethical implications surrounding the commodification of personal suffering. However, with the ever-present allure of ratings, it may be challenging for Malakhov to pivot from the controversial model he has cultivated.

The future of Russian celebrity journalism hangs in a delicate balance, with Malakhov standing at the forefront of this complex industry. As public sentiment shifts and legal scrutiny tightens, the outcomes of these scandals may shape the standards of integrity expected in modern journalism.

author: Yevgeniya Alexandrova



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